domingo, 13 de julio de 2014


and count your angels, gentlemen1
I have always considered quality, behavior and properties of natural processes more important than their quantitative relations, although I admit that the quantitative understanding is rather helpful here and there. Therefore, the following treatise is based on qualitative argument and deduction. It is a concept, not a work of what is today meant by the word science. Yet, if basically correct, it may one day change our understanding of the underlying principles of the wave-particle behavior of matter and energy.
My Tour the Force (TTF) is an attempt at uncovering of the basic principles and I have sidetracked into details as little as I could. I was unable to put all arguments into sequence, because their relations would not permit it. I have managed to clear many blind alleys only by arguments, which came later in this work and it may mean that you will have to return to the previous on occasion or wait for the following for the supporting observations, evidence and relations. Only a person with good working understanding of physics, its laws and most of all accurate observations, and with a broad but not necessarily specialized spectrum of miscellaneous technical knowledge along with a great deal of open-mindedness has a chance to understand the incredible simplicity of what constitutes the material, and also immaterial world, save for what is generally considered to represent life.
I have not used footnotes for references to other’s works, except for one occasion, because I consider the presently accepted basic "knowledge" of physics to be a public domain. I find it useless to refer to high school textbooks, encyclopedia, etc. using the footnotes for my own comments.
I have written this treatise as a hobby in my free time out of sheer curiosity bothering me since about grade 8. It eventually sprung up from my dissatisfaction with a few things my teachers tried to teach me. I don’t blame them, they were just the messengers. It has not been my intention to make this work entirely heretic. It turned up that way on its own. In fact, I have begun writing it only to organize my own knowledge, deductions and thoughts trying to solve a few puzzles presented by physics, like a reasonable principle for the cause of gravitation, but it has grown.
TTF is interrelated and if you do not intend to go through the whole work, you may as well quit right now.
I have omitted terminology defined by me in some instances in order to address phenomena in established terms, even though the established terms may be quite inaccurate within the framework of this concept.
I present no high mathematics.
If you have problems with the validity of some physical laws I have started with, do not let it worry you. If you don't, then you really have a problem.
I apologize for my accent. English is my second language. I hope you will not find it more difficult to understand the text than I found it to put together. If there is some brave soul who grasped this concept and is willing to rewrite it in a more English way, be my guest but let me know.
The TTF is to show the line of argument as it has developed and should not be construed as a finished, or a quite correct product.

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