domingo, 13 de julio de 2014


The ratio of the amplitude and the length of a wave on a disturbed water surface is the result of the degree of gravitational force being the orthogonal tension force, while the speed of the wave is also related to the mass of (or volume) of the wave. An increase in gravitational value increases force applied onto a wave orthogonally to the wavelength axis. An increased orthogonal force onto a wave of a particular volume tends to decrease the water wave amplitude and increase its wavelength.
We can make a mental model of this phenomenon when we exaggerate the situation. In the state of free fall (lets say space shuttle cabin), water creates no waves. If a water volume gets disturbed under weight less conditions, it splashes in the direction(s) of disturbance. The degree of gravitational vector of force rules the ratio between amplitude and wavelength per volume of a wave. The greater the gravitational attraction is applied orthogonally to the surface of water, the greater is the resulting force causing water displacement from beneath the water wave and the greater is the ratio between the amplitude and wavelength of a water wave of a specific volume. The wave as generated may be generated at whatever amplitude to wavelength ration, but as it spreads, the displacement of water under the wave accelerates in all directions from under the wave the faster the greater is the force acting from above. The force from above is the total of mass of the wave.
Therefore, wave of a great mass, like a Tsunami, will tend to spread at much greater speed than a wave of ocean surf. Tsunami wavelength increases much faster than surf wave and with it increases the speed of tsunami wave.
It follows, that if the force of gravity should be inconsistent along a wave path and of an increasing value, the wavelength of water waves would increase at higher ration than in a spatially steady gravitational field. Then it follows that the ratio of the speed increase of the wave would again progressively increase. Yet, the frequency of the wave per unit of time, the frequency of passage of the wave crests, would remain constant along its path.
This can be expressed as differential relationship, in which the energy of the wave remains constant, the frequency of the wave remains constant, the wavelength of wave increases in inverse proportion to wave amplitude decrease and the speed of the wave increases with the increase of the wavelength.
The above means that a constant volume, frequency and energy content wave has no fixed values of speed, amplitude or wavelength. It also means that the ratio of tension orthogonal to wavelength and to the wave vector of motion is directly responsible for the energy content of the wave. Where there is no force exerted by some kind of tension, there is no wave phenomenon to be observed. This tells us that the energy of wave motion is extracted from the static gravitational pressure exerted on the wave. The initiation of a wave, such as mechanical disturbance of water surface, causes the initial hump of a wave, but the following waves are all strictly a result of gravitational pressure acting orthogonally on the elevated water mass and inertia of water displacement oscillating or traveling below or with the wave. The oscillating displacement of water under waves can be readily observed on motion of seaweeds. This oscillating displacement is the longitudinal component of the transverse surface wave and it is a wave of alternating back and forth flows.

When we apply the above dependency to light, we encounter a major problem. The math of relativity predicts and experimenting assumingly confirms that the frequency of light (a photon) changes with the strength of gravitational attraction. This is phenomenon is called time dilation, although dilation only means that the refraction patterns different light frequencies change so, that they confirm that the crests and troughs of waves in mutual relationship are changing the pattern of so called interference.
It can be seen from the water wave relationship above, that the frequency is irrelevant to the pattern of multi frequency wave relationship. The frequency of any and each wave is irrelevant. Relevant is the spatial configuration of wave troughs and crests at a particular location and in particular time. The pattern of so called interference is moving with the wave motion and does not stay in one spatial location across the time dimension. Look at the water surface and it can be observed that this is so. Therefore, it is not logical to interpret the spatially steady wave patterns in light refraction as caused by spatially and temporally traveling waves.
The only way to reconcile the behavior of water wave and the behavior of light wave lies in the logical option of light as a standing wave pattern along a flow (of something). Once we found out that a wave elongates under an orthogonal stress, the wave pattern change with the degree of stress change can be only interpreted as elongation of a standing (relative to the source or a detector) wave and a shift in trough and crest pattern due to this elongation. With that, we can also deduce that the speed of light flow (of something) increases with the orthogonal stress. In analogy, we would be looking at a wave of water current along a riverbed in the case of a single path of light, photon being a single hump in a stream of something. The increased speed is due to change of wavelength to amplitude geometry, rather than speed of the flow itself. The wavy path straightens.
NOTE: Photon particular nature should be taken with a great reservation. The particularity of a photon had been arrived at from the assumption that an electron has a constant value of charge, and from the assumption that electric current consists from flow of charges, i.e. flow of electrons within conductive materials. Mr. Einstein used these two assumptions in accord with his interpretation of photoelectric effect. Should one of these two assumptions prove to be incorrect TTF-Elcur, we would have no basis to ascribe particularity to light.
The above is strongly supported by the fact that a screen immersed in water does not show wave pattern of impacting waves, but a resultant peak waterline (as opposed to a mean waterline). The peak waterline generated by a regular wave pattern will posses slightly sinusoidal curve, but when the waves are generated in a chaotic manner, the mean peak waterline is straight. Then it should not be expected that an optical screen should show a spectrum of well-defined light frequencies, yet it does. The same goes for Young double slot experiment, where the resultant is a multiple and quite spaced slot image. This just should not be the case. The double slot should be smeared if the light waves were spatially traveling.
You may refer to my Double Slot Water Wave Experiment for the experimental confirmation of the fact that traveling waves do not display on a screen what the textbooks make us believe they do.
Second problem with Young double slot is the necessity of the slots to be “very” closely spaced. Water slot experimenting does not require close spacing of slots. Because of that, it is logical to look for the cause in Young double slit in the property of the slot partition, rather than in the property of light, or better said in the properties of light as well as properties of the partition..
When we observe diverse image through a wire screen, we can observe that the wire screen “diffuses” the light of the image behind it. The diffusion is structured so, that it creates visible “optical lenses” in the squares defined by the screen wires. This shows that the direction of passing light is diverted toward the wire, that the space around the wire is curved, so to speak, leading the light around the wire. This phenomenon suggests that a wire, or a thin partition between Young slots, has a tubular optical field, which refracts light paths. When we consider that in case of the double slot there is one such tubular field around that partition, while two such half fields are at the full material sides of the slots and when we consider that the more or less cavity field within both slots is generally attractive as shown in FIELDS 2, we can fathom that the field around the slot partition is in unstable force equilibrium relative to the slots.
When this field is disturbed by a passage of light flow, it acts on the flow and the flow acts on the field. The moment such a flow passes through the slots, it throws the field out of its unstable balance getting itself refracted i.e. curved. The partition material between the slots tends to keep the field around balanced though, and we get an effect of oscillation of the partition field around the partition material. This oscillation causes the refraction pattern of light to shift. The shift stops in time only when at the point of returning from one position of its oscillation to the opposite position of oscillation and while it refracts passing light as a smear while moving as oscillation, it refracts the passing light as distinguishable bands of light rays while at end positions of oscillations. When we consider that the half fields around material sides of the two slots has to oscillate as well, we have all together four spaced curvatures of space to reckon with. Each of these curvatures has two positions of momentarily stable position. That is eight specific slot images on the screen behind the slot, which can be accounted for.
So, to put it bluntly, a correctly interpreted experimental evidence as well as correctly interpreted theoretical (mathematical) evidence (Albert Einstein’s) confirms that light wave is a flow of something along a wavy path. The wave of that something is motionless relative to light source, but moving relative to itself. (Like a snake progressing along the ground)
What the Young experiment actually proves is the nonexistence of aether as a particulate of some fluid in the state equivalent to water in an ocean, in which all wavy phenomena happen and in which information is transferred as traveling waves. On the other hand it proves that aether is a multidirectional “field” structure of flows of what can still be termed “aether”, for lack of definition or nomenclature for what it is that flows along so many paths in so many directions.
It still follows that the vacuum of interstellar space, or any space, is anything but empty. It is permeated by these aetheral flows, as long as there is “solid” matter present in space. All in all, the only difference between space and matter is the geometrical arrangment and scale of one and the same phenomenon and principle. Universe can be considered solid as much as stone is considered solid and as much as nucleon is considered solid.
The above argument also explains in simple manner the so-called curvature of space. Once a flow of a phenomenon is tangentially progressing (along its standing wave) through environment, which is under a gradient stress (lets say light passing a star gravitational field), its amplitude on the higher stress
value side (star side) decreases relative to its lesser stress (space) side. Then the axis of the wave necessarily bends toward the star side if the flow of the phenomenon is to remain dynamically balanced.
The rate of the so-called curvature of space is obviously different from the rate of free fall and it is obvious that if light lacks the property of mass (weight), the curvature of its own axis is the only relevant "quantity" regards its path around a star. On the other hand, when light travels across the stress gradient of a field, its axis is not bent and it follows a straight path. Yet, it does not accelerate as in free fall and it does not decelerate when escaping the source of the field gradient. Light does not need escape velocity in order to escape a black hole. Its path would be curved into a circle if radiated under a slant from a body, but since black hole is supposed to be a singular attraction, its light radiation can only be perfectly radial. Therefore, if a black hole has any property of temperature and if its singularity is therefore allowed to radiate light, we should see black hole as light radiating source.
When light enters the black hole event horizon at just about radial centripetal direction, its axis is curved to a minuscule degree and it is curved to a minuscule degree passing the singularity and then exiting it on the opposite side of event horizon. Therefore, the black hole must be transparent to light, which would come from space past the hole relative to o us. Obviously, the above makes no sense and it can be concluded that “observations” of “black holes” as well as the particular theoretical mechanism of a black hole phenomenon is grossly flawed interpretation of observational data.
The "curvature of space" is a misnomer in its own right for a few reasons. First of all, vacuum is not empty. It is rather full of flows of something, whatever it may be. The curvature does not belong to whatever Einstein may have called space, but it belongs to the photon itself (see Wave 4) as long as it finds itself under particular conditions of orientation within a gravitational field or within a borderline between transparent materials, or within a material like a calcium mono crystal. Second, light will follow a curved path only if its vector of travel through a stress gradient has a tangential component, which is most of the cases, but not all.

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