domingo, 13 de julio de 2014


This amendment to fields 7 and 8 explains the handling of a magnetic field by a ferromagnetic material, its relevancy to Lenz Law and the most basic considerations when attempting to build a prototype of a Lenz free generator.
I will call ferromagnetic materials, which can't be appreciably permanently magnetized "Soft Iron" (SI) in the Leedskalnin's tradition for simplicity. Yet it includes all ferromagnetic materials, be it plain mild steel or a designer material such as the standard high silicone steel used in transformer and generator laminations, or high permeability dusts embedded in polymer.
As shown in fields 7, these materials handle magnetic fields as if they were conductors, rather than becoming temporary magnets. The SI materials handle the magnetic field somewhat similarly to the way any electric conductor handles electric current.
A] Magnetic field always finds the shortest path through the SI material in order to close a magnetic loop.
B] There are better and worse conductors of magnetic field and there is only so much of a field (flux) an SI material can handle, before it becomes saturated and refuse to handle any more. Then the flux begins to bypass it through the air.
C] SI material can handle any direction and quantity of polarities applied to it, as long as it does not become saturated, but watch out what happens.
All of these qualities (and quantities) are conditioned by the ability of SI material to restructure its valence bond geometries when it encounters magnetic field stronger than the earth field.
Contrary to electric conductors, there is no resistance, which would heat up the SI material conducting a steady magnetic field. Any heating up of ferromagnetic cores is a result of wandering electric currents and eddy currents when alternating the magnetic polarity in these materials.
Please note that these schematics show only the way the magnetic field tends to tie into loop(s). Saturations as well as the ratios of shapes and sizes of all the involved parts are the factors, which eventually decide the final field shapes and relationships.
Fig 1
When we look at the electric induction in standard commercial alternators, we may realize that the open core coil arrangement forces the induced magnetic field of a coil to exit the coil core and find its return path around the coil back into the core as well as through the excitation core material. While doing so, both cores handle the inducing field as well as the induced fields in either combination of opposing polarities, or a combination of shared polarity. Permanent magnets used for excitation of coils may do the same to a lesser degree, depending on arrangements and their unspent permeability.
Figure 2 shows the polarities in opposition while the inducing field fingers are approaching the coil cores and the reason why the rotor of a commercial generator realizes back torque while approaching the coil cores. While this is happening, the inducing field is forced to break through, and/or intermingle with the induced coil field across the gap in order to actually keep inducing any current in the induction coil at all, as it approaches it. The coil core has to handle both flux orientations at the same time and the degree of its saturation corresponds to the sum of the strength of both fields. (Probably a bit more.)
I have depicted the core materials in purple in order to represent their handling of both polarities. The color coded arrows represent the orientations of magnetic flux polarities. Note that the diagram is applicable only to this particular way of winding.
Fig 2
Figure 3 shows the shared polarity and field, while the inducing field finger is receding from the coil core. This is the reason why the rotor of a generator also realizes back torque while its fingers recede from the coil cores. The inducing field becomes shared with the with the induced coil field across the gap during the recession and attracts to it. The finger as well as the coil core has to handle only single polarity shared field and the degree of its saturation corresponds more or less only to the strength of the induction field. (Probably slightly more.)
I have used standard North and South coloring on the core materials. The color coded arrows again show the orientation of the polarities. Note that the diagram is applicable only to this particular way of winding.
Fig 3
Of course, the strength of magnetic field of the stator coils under el. current increases with the Ampere value, which is the strength of the load current. This means, that the more current circulates through the induction windings of a generator, the stronger is the force between the induction field and the induced field, be it attractive, or repulsive. This strength is expressed in the theoretical (math) work of Lenz and called Lenz Law also called back torque.
This effect can be easily circumvented by either allowing the induced field to close upon itself within a closed core (a transformer like core), as you may see in Fields 8 - Fig 1, or by offering it to close across a gap again, but where it does not affect the inducing field, as you can see in Fields 8 - Fig 2 .
The closed core, or a core open anywhere but where the induced field may interact with the inducing field in air, does not handle anything which is not handled by the contemporary commercial generator design open cores. It only handles the same in a more sensible manner.
All of an open core flux will cross an air gap at its narrowest, as long as the narrowest has enough unsaturated SI material to conduct it. See figure 4.
Fig 4
If the material of the narrowest, or nearest gap becomes saturated, the flux may split into two, or more localized external fields depending on the order of the gap material saturations. See figures 5a and 5b.
Fig 5a
Fig 5b
Further, any ferromagnetic material placed into the gap will serve as conductor and only the remaining sum of now two gaps become the actual gap width. In other words, if you place 1" long piece of SI material into a 2" gap, the actual gap counts is only as 1", even though the material may not be in contact with the core.
It is imperative to design with enough material at the point of air gap to lead all the magnetic field flux across only there. This means that a garage kind of an experimenter better over design on the quantity of the SI material, rather than risk loosing what may account for a substantial portion of the flux where it is useless.
It makes also sense to be generous and keep distance between any SI parts at least twice as far apart compared to the width of an intended air gap where the field should cross over.
Another aspect of electric induction is reluctance of the core material. This particular phenomenon addresses the resistance of SI materials to alternately re-polarize. It is not likely to affect this kind of power generation experimental results at standard RPM, lets say 3600 RPM or less, even if you use regular structural mild steel.
I have bounced this principle of a typical expert. Here is the gist of it.
It will not work because the fields clashing within the closed core will hinder the induction. You will not get the power output you get with the standard equipment.
a) Hardly. Once contained within the core, the core material structure below saturation will handle the flux of both fields without any problem thanks to its ferromagnetic properties.
b) The fields would have to be clashing within the standard cores as well, yet it does not appear that the induction is hindered. If it is, there is no reason to expect it to get any worse with the closed cores than what you get with the standard open cores. Considering that contemporary generators get as high as 90% efficiency between the shaft input and the el. power output, your argument is not sound.
c) The stated contemporary generator efficiency shows that 90% of the back torque in them is due to Lenz effect, the rest belonging to the excitation coil(s) resistance losses, friction and magnetic drag.
Yes, contemporary generators are already up to 90% efficient. How can you possibly make them remarkably more efficient?
The generator efficiency is calculated between the shaft input and the electric power output. Steam turbine inputs 1000 Kw turning the shaft and you get 900 Kw in electric power out of the generator. This efficiency calculation approach does not take into consideration that you may need only lets say 100 Kw at the shaft in order to get your 900 Kw at the coils. This would be exactly the case if Lenz effect was eliminated and the generator was built as efficient as the contemporary generators, all effects (friction, excitation circuit losses, geometries etc.) considered.
But that is impossible. It violates the Law of Energy conservation.
No, it is illegal within the classic understanding of Newton's Law of Energy Conservation. This understanding does not take into consideration that closed systems mentioned in its formulation are only theoretical constructs designed to ignore what the physicist considers unimportant. No one has ever built and demonstrated a closed system yet. A closed system would have to exclude everything, including the gravitational field. If you are interested here is one wrong Newton's Law, just to show you that laws are breakable.
You are a crackpot.
Fields 10 make me look like a cheff of all cooks.

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