domingo, 13 de julio de 2014


Lets have a look at an ordinary led acid battery. We have a system of positive and negative plates in such an arrangement, that the battery allows only a single orientation of electric tension on its posts, as long as the chemistry of the battery is preserved as “charged”. For all the practical purposes, a battery is a semiconductor in its own category.
The semi conductivity of the battery is given by its ionic makeup in the plates, where plates are alternately made of positive led oxide coated porous lead and negative, bare porous led. New batteries as manufactured have only porous lead plates. The new dry battery is filled with H2SO4 and the positive plates are consequently developed into corroded plates (oxide coated) by charging process, typically at the manufacturer.
What allows the semi conductivity of the lead acid battery, as much as any other chemical battery? First of all, there has to be general charge potential between the lead oxide coated and the bare lead plates. Then there are the lead sulfate PbSO4 ionic bonded molecules within the electrolyte mix of ionic H2SO4 and H2O. But there is also ionic bond potential between the oxygen and its lead plate, which is given by the ionic bond between the oxygen and the lead. We can simplify this issue into a statement that the oxide coated (superficially corroded) plates represent two planes (surfaces) of opposite charges. The electrolyte itself represents molecular dispersed charges of ionic bonds between Pb and SO4.
Disregards the complete process in the battery, with its electrolysis of water and evaporation of gaseous sulfur hydrate etc., it can be stated that the oxygen-lead transition is a diode, which prevents establishment of el. field (tension) across the battery in an orientation other than its ionic bond polarity.
The semi conductivity is a property chemical ionic valence bonding of two plates (or surfaces, or planes), whose mutual electric relationship is generally + and – across their junction, as in the relation of O2 and the (positive plate) lead plate substrate.
The semi conductive planes have to have generally conductive substrate. The plane chemical structure on the oxidized lead functions as a connection of multiplicity of parallel ionic bonds, structured from the surface of the plate inward as O-Pb-Pb-Pb… The positive plate functions only if the oxide is on the extreme surface of the lead crystals of the plates. Once the oxidation begins to penetrate the lead crystals as per O-Pb-O-Pb-O-Pb-Pb…, the plate conductivity becomes dysfunctional. The alternating (crystalline) structure of lead oxide (salt) is a dielectric, while the single plane oxide structure is a semiconductor.
The crystalline structure O-Pb-O-Pb-O is equivalent to hook up of diodes in reversed polarity directions as per +-<>-+<>+-<>-+, rendering such chain of diodes nonconductive. The linear schematic is just that, a linear schematic. You may look up the real crystalline arrangements of salt elements in chemistry books, to give you an idea of the counter polarities of ionic valence bonding in salt lattices.
If you have problem with what I state about semi conductive ionic bonded planes, please look up what the experts on batteries have to say to it.
The above principle of semi conductivity applies to all ionic bond structures, as long as the ions of one polarity create one plane of a junction and ions of the opposite polarity create its other plane. But the ionic potential does not necessarily have to involve two natural (opposite) charges. Every single charge potential induces its counter charge polarity in its environment. As long as the environment is lets say a normally neutral metal atom, an ion like chlorine (Cl) induces its opposite charge in iron (Fe). This creates an ionic bond between the two i.e. iron chloride, a theoretical salt molecule. This causes any sample pair of molecules FeCl to have spatially oriented natural polarity of their mutual valence (ionic) bond. If we could make two mono atomic plates of iron and chlorine, we would have a semi conductive junction. If chlorine itself were solid conductor like iron, we would have a diode.
Yet, nature does not operate in such manner in many cases and chlorine binds more than one iron atom into a crystalline structure of a salt. It gets surrounded by iron atoms and vice versa. This creates an array (a lattice) of ionic bonds, a crystal, which has multiple orientations. We can make a simplified linear electric polarity schematic here Fe+>-Cl-<+Fe+>-Cl-<+Fe…. and begin to understand that the natural polarity of ionic valence bond is normally quite stronger than what we dare expose it to (every semi conductive diode has its specified range of operation). The system is equivalent to an array circuit of diodes, where the diodes are hooked alternately with respect to their polarity, therefore creating a non conductive crystalline array.
If we, by any chance, manage to expose dielectric like mica to an excessive potential, we re-polarize part of its ionic valence structure. This part of the structure breaks up and the thing goes up in smoke arcing through. The above schematic shows why iron chloride, and for that matter any salt, are normally nonconductors. Their natural electric multidirectional polarity prevents single orientation of electric tension polarity through out the crystalline structure by its ionic valence bond geometry of alternate direction polarity among its atoms. Salts can still carry an excess general charge of single polarity, though. They can be polarized along their surfaces where the open valence bonds of the surface optical field can reorient and distort. But we can’t establish general, single orientation electric field through out the ionic crystals and therefore establish conditions for el. current “passage”.
It does not matter whether the salt structure is mono crystalline or semi crystalline. Both are subject to chaining of opposite valence bond polarities.
The only partial exception to the above, so far known, is a super conductive state of polycrystalline ceramics, but even these do not super conduct through their crystals. They are actually just about as good conductors as a brick above their critical temperature. While these ceramics are cold enough to super conduct, the el. current actually follows only specific paths through out the ceramic, unlike the regular metallic conductors, which pass el. current generally through the whole cross section (save for high frequency high voltage AC conductivity.)
There are only a few elements, which are able to create single orientation of valence bonding across a plate like junction. These are the conventional semi conductive diode materials like selen or silicone in combination with metals. The condition of these junctions is, that both elements on both sides of the junction are conductive (at least semi-metallic), that their elemental bonding is metallic within each particular element, and that they are polycrystalline (grainy).
The relative non conductivity of lets say “pure” sulfur does not mean that its valence makeup is ionic. Its large mono crystal molecular arrangement and in particular its kind of crystalline lattice is too rigid to allow for multiple frequency el. current waves to pass, even remotely coherently, as opposed to polycrystalline (grainy) metals. The resistance of mono element crystals is given by the refusal of the structure to yield to imposed waving.
Magnetic field can penetrate sulfur, but its structural paths momentarily split into electric structures, bypassing the sulfur magnetic structures, or vice versa. Because of that, a moving magnet shows drag while passing sulfur, or any material for that matter and vice versa. This is important, because it explains why magnetic field induction produces el. current as well as electric tension in conductors.
When we take a peek at carbon, as an example of a non-metallic element, we can find out that while it is a fair conductor in the form of graphite, with its hexagonal lattice, carbon is an insulator when in the form diamond with its cubic lattice. The reason of diamond resistance is the same as the resistance of a sulfur mono crystal. In analogy, it is much easier to oscillate a single coil spring than it is to oscillate a mattress, or even a single spring incorporated in a mattress. The magnitude and consistency of the material agglomerate is responsible for relative non-conductivity of structurally homogenous elements.
You may refer to my original TTF, which justifies quite clearly, that induction of general electric polarity, be it by friction, or magnetic field motion, distorts open, surface valence bonds in the first case and all the open valence bonds within material structure of a metallic conductor in the second case, but in both cases in single direction across the bulk. Piezo electric effect falls under the same principle, except that geometrically distorted mono-crystal valence structure is deformed fairly uniformly through out the crystal, which gives the el. field its general polarity. In plain English, spatial distortion of valence structure produces electric field and vice versa. Every so called ionic bond is ionic only because it is geometrically distorted, it is askew. The degree of stress on what I called electrin and positrin in TTF, which are actually quark and antiquark of valence “electron” create the electric polarity of that bond. The geometric distortions within compounds are behind the ionic bond. Obviously, if lets say oxygen atoms possessed natural charge, air would be quite charged. If chlorine atoms possessed natural charge, a bottle of chlorine would have to be quite charged as well.
If we have lets say sulfur nuclei in cubic lattice, and iron nuclei in cubic lattice, but the size of the nuclei is different, the two might still be able to create valence bonding into a regular cubic pattern of iron sulfate. But if sulfur nuclei were lets say orthorhombic, its valence structure would have great difficulties to match iron cubic one without their mutual bonds being askew, spatially distorted, relative to the nuclear geometry of both nuclei.
But that is only a part of the causality of ionic bonds. Another part is distortion of the nuclear clusters of some elements due to the quantity and geometric association of their nucleons. These possess distorted el. fields the true nuclear charge.
Graphite is also interesting by its difference in conductivity in different orientations across its crystalline makeup. Why? May be because the valence bonds cross over the planes relatively quite rarely, most of them joining the crystalline hexagons within the planes. A compressed graphite dust (pencil lead) conducts uniformly in any direction. On the other hand, carbon in the form of soot, a loose compound of closed and semi open fullerines, is an insulator in its bulk properties.
Semi conductivity is not caused in principle by electron holes and extra electrons in the materials of the semi conductive junction, but by the orientation of ionic bond polarity between two elements across their junction. This is why a high enough opposite (wrong way) electric potential across a diode will break some bonding and draw enough available current across as arcing and “blow” the diode. You would not suspect electron holes from burning through a diode, would you? Compound insulators (usually organic, like pitch and wax and plastics) insulate to the point when they burn through, because their ionic structure is electrically multidirectional and the nonconforming polarity orientation bonds break, arc and burn.
But lets return back to the beginning and the battery.
The lead acid battery will yield el. current only when the valence bonds of lead sulfate in the electrolyte break up. Sulfur remains (mostly) in the electrolyte while lead goes to the negative (oxide free) plate. The semi crystalline, porous structure of the lead deposition on the negative plate shows, that the metallic valence bonding on the plates is relatively scarce and that while the multitude of electrolyte ionic bonding breaks up, there is relatively little metallic bonding established on the plates, while the battery is being discharged.
This is actually quite funny. Metallic bond integrity is an orthodox puzzle, while ionic bond is supposed to hold by electric force. Ionic bond is supposed to be strong and stable, while metallic one has no justification for its existence, never mind strength, in orthodox theory(s). Yet, in lead acid battery, the “strong” bond (Pb-SO4) breaks up in favor of metallic bonding, and definitely in favor of establishment of el. current. The ionic bonds fall “spontaneously” apart as soon as you “pull the plug” (throw the switch) and allow the battery to “drain”. Well, not exactly, they unify into a long sort of valence bond, an el. current in a circuit.
The el. current, produced by batteries has its origin in the broken ionic bonds of the electrolyte and vice versa, establishment of ionic bonds of lead sulfate is given by forced introduction of el. current along the applied tension field. You can’t charge a battery strictly by establishment of a higher potential. You need el. current to pass through the battery. You have to introduce magnetic structure of el. current into the battery, which is capable to establish magnetic structuring of electric field between Pb and SO4. Another way is to use resonant electric oscillation in the battery, lets say by use of pulsed DC (rectified SOAC/see below), which induces el. fields between Pb and SO4 into magnetic restructuring (homogenizing) into valence bonds. But the battery has to have resonant (actually harmonic does) frequency with the rest of the circuit in order to recharge.
The drop in the over all potential of the battery, while being discharged, indicates the degree of de-oxidation of corroded plates, as well as quantity of the lined up ionic bonds of PbSO4 in the electrolyte (to state it rather simply). The charge between each positive and negative plate is that between oxygen layer on the positive plate and the lead on the negative plate, while the electrolyte PbSO4 follows linear geometry Pb>SO4<Pb>SO4>Pb... between them. This causes chaining of the electrolyte orthogonal to the plates. The whole chains look actually like this: [lead oxide coated plate]-H2O-H2O-H2O-Pb>SO4<Pb>SO4-H2O-H2O-H2O-[lead plate].
Water serves as metallic bond filler material. When there is no electrolyte salt present in water, the water is non conductive (well not quite, it is a question of field tension), because the plain water chains are of limited and constantly changing lengths without the salt. The salt molecules bind unstable water chains of limited lengths into stable, continuous chains between electrodes, providing there is el. tension field between the electrodes.
Being at it, I can as well note that when oxygen joins the lead plate, it does not establish polarity strictly between itself and its adjacent lead nuclei. The same is valid for water in the electrolyte. The ionic bond is a capacitive tension phenomenon, or better said its electric field portion is, and this portion tends to establish single polarity through out the el. circuit, save for el. resistance. This tends to give all the metallic bonds on both sides of an ionic bond a polarity bias.
When an excessive potential and current is introduced into a diode in the same polarity orientation as the diode junction, its valence bonds again break up, but this time due to thermal interference. In general, thermal interference is due to harmonic incompatibility between the valence bond lengths with their momentary wave pattern and the phase and wavelength of el. current introduced into the ionic bonds. The supplied el. current is prevented from crossing a bond and excites it incoherently, that is thermally. The bonds so excited lose their magnetic structure in this case and the area begins to liquefy and re-fuse, changing the semi conductive plane makeup of the junction into ionic alloy with higher resistance. Then the “wrong” polarity bonds break again, arc and the junction burns out. When this process occurs in limited depth and the junction crystallizes only partially and to a relatively shallow depth, it creates partially alternate polarity junction, which conducts in both directions. Its resistance though, is somewhat higher in the correct polarity and very high in the wrong orientation. This phenomenon causes diodes to leak back. This also occurs over extended periods of time rather slowly as aging of semi-conductive diodes, when the materials of the junction permeate by metallic diffusion process.
The conductivity of metals is first of all caused by their lack of ionic bonding. The valence bonds in metals have mixed polarity. Mixed polarity means, that each metal nucleus has both polarity frequencies, the + and – in a balanced quantity. The metallic bonding is spatially and electrically symmetric. Any two nuclei clusters of metals contain fairly well balanced positive as well as negative spatial frequencies of electric paths of communication, as opposed to ionic valence bonds of salts. This is actually a reason why most metals alloy among themselves rather well, and why they alloy also with quite a few non metals, like phosphorus, sulfur, carbon, silicon etc.
A polarity consistent arrangement of electric paths of communication is a prerequisite for an establishment of magnetic path, which is a harmonic composite of electric paths. In analogy, the difference between non-magnetic bundle of electric paths and a magnetic bundle of electric paths can be visualized as a difference between a bundle of lose strands of fibers (electric field structure) and a rope (magnetic field structure).
Figure 1 is a Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) rendition of iodine. It has been published by Discovery magazine (June 1990) and if I understand it correctly, it’s an IBM rendition.
It shows quite clearly:
  • The resolution capability of STM.
  • The general valence geometry of iodine.
The original text states: "a well bonded group of iodine atoms (purple) pine for a missing friend (yellow)".
I doubt that. My interpretation is that the yellow is a nuclei in the so called high spin, that is purely magnetic, that is in super conductive state. (See below)
Fig. 1

Figure 2 represents iron structure executed by an undisclosed method and equipment.
The photo credits belong to Dr. William Tiller, Professor Emeritus and Chairman of the Materials Science Department at Stanford University.
Figure 2 shows:
  • Internal magnetic structure of valence bond. (similar to my TTF electron diagram)
  • External electric structure of valence bond. (similar to the fig. 1 iodine)
  • General geometry of iron valence bonding. (similar to the fig one iodine)
  • Vortex like donut structure of electric field of iron nuclei.
  • Transient waviness of the density of the nuclear electric field.
Fig. 2

Figure 3 is again a Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) rendition, this time that of xenon. It has been published by Discovery magazine (June 1990) and if I understand it correctly, it’s an IBM rendition.
Figure 3 shows:
  • Even greater resolution capability of STM.
  • Amorphous nature of electric field of inert atoms.
The original text states: "a chorus of six xenon atoms takes a stride off a one-atom-high platinum step"
Fig. 3

The above shows clearly that:
  • Electron, meaning the valence structure, is neither orbital electron particle, nor orbital electron field wave, i.e. that the valence structure is not in any way planetary and that it lacks any similarity with anything orbital.
  • Nuclear and valence structure of matter is a network of communication, with nuclei sitting at the intersections of the network as potential (and actual) oscillators.
  • There are no orbital levels and distances of electrons around nuclei, among nuclei, between nuclei, below nuclei, above nuclei, inside nuclei, outside nuclei, anywhere near or far from nuclei.
  • That each iodine and iron nuclei shares six valence bonds with six other nuclei in the surface plane of the scans. This makes for somewhat more bonds in the three dimensions of the bulk, the most likely twelve.
  • There are no free electrons, if understood as equivalent to valence bonds, in iron.
The whole orthodox quantitative concept of valence in materials is a purely mathematical construct, totally irrelevant to the real material valence structuring, its substance, its geometry and its principle and dynamics.
If we should assume, as the Discovery article related to the figure 1 and 3 suggests, that the "mist" around and among the nuclei is an electron cloud, we would have to:
  • Question the sanity of Hans Dehmelt and the sanity of the Nobel Price committee. Mr. Dehmelt has actually managed to entrap one of the units creating the assumed electron cloud sifting the cloud out of his Penning Trap except for one such unit.
  • Question the quantity of electrons in matter. (which better be questioned anyway)
  • One hell of a lot of ETCs.
The symmetric structure of metals allows imposition of general charge orientation through out their valence, as well as nuclear structure and the establishment of general el. tension field (Volts) through out a conductive circuit. The electrically neutral metallic bond structure (or better said its portion) can be electrified in any which direction due to its (normally) electric neutrality. The greater is the quantity of the metallic valence bonds through out the metallic structure the better is the metal conductivity, save for thermal interference, which is co-dependent on the metal grain sizes. Large metallic grains are as non conductive as diamond or sulfur crystals, but they damp thermal interference within the material due to their inertia. Large crystals make poor thermal (mechanical) oscillators when being excited by incoherent thermal chaos in valence network. Magnetic resonance is a different story, though.
This inertial damping seems more important for general conductivity than the quantity of electrically conductive small grains. For example, soft (large grained) steel is a better conductor than hardened (small grained) steel, the same going for copper. Yet, another aspect has to be considered, and that is organization of the grains. Bismuth, for example, has also large crystals, but its crystals are fairly uniformly lined up and can be compared to the structure of a brick wall. It is also a relatively poor conductor. On the other hand, steel or copper structure is more comparable to a gravel heap.
The second cause of conductivity in metals is their nuclear structure, which again has to be at least in part electrically neutral, that is of mixed polarity frequencies along at least a portion of their photonic loops, their quark structure. This system, together with the valence structure, creates network through out the material. The nuclear quark loops actually extend in places from the nuclei as metallic valence bonds and join the atoms together. (ref: Nucleon)
The quarks themselves are substructures of magnetic fields. They are the individual magnetic paths of communication, which create closed circles of magnetic communication (photonic loops) but, which can and do accept and shed electric paths of communication. Generally, there are no magnetic paths, which have the full contingent of electric paths. There are no cases of el. current paths with complete spectra of electric path frequencies, same as there is no light with full spectra of colors. This allows for local acceptance and sharing of electric paths among the magnetic paths and magnetic path entrainment in aether flows. Aether flows are electric and gravitational paths of communication. When their harmonics are not spatially equalized, they are the true electric paths of electric field. When they are in balanced polarity, they are paths of electrically neutral gravitational field.
The greater is the quantity of the neutral quark loops in the metallic element nuclei, the greater is the nuclear conductivity and the greater is the metal conductivity, save for the grain (crystal) size and the nuclear thermal interference. The nuclear temperature opens another can of worms. Here we come across the specific heat properties of elements.
It can be stated that temperature is magnitude dependent phenomenon. The larger is the nuclear cluster (the heavier is the element), the greater is the wave interference within such nucleus, and the hotter is such nucleus naturally. The greater is the bulk of an object, and the more complex its structure, the greater is the mutual interference of quark photons and the greater is the temperature of the body. But nucleus shares thermal energy with valence bonds by very localized el. current propagation as well as thermal wave action of nucleus oscillation and this propagation is limited by the compatibility of the nuclear quark frequency and the valence bond frequency. Nucleons in a conglomerate of nuclei possess much higher magnetic (thermal as well as el. current) frequencies than their adjacent valence bonds. In plain English, the temperature of hydrogen nuclei at ambient valence temperature of 20C is much lover than nuclear temperature of iron under the same ambient valence temperature.
The third reason for metallic conductivity is the poly crystalline (grainy) organization of metallic materials. While the small grains establish greater quantity of conductive valence bond paths through out the metallic structure, the large grains act as mechanical (inertial) dampers of thermal oscillations. This is a case of resonant arrays, where large crystals within the structure damp to some degree chaotic thermal oscillations of their own valence bonds, which damps the oscillations of smaller molecules and atoms next to them, which damps the interference of the temporal thermal waving of valence bonds with their spatial flow wavelengths. On the other hand, the large grains, especially if in three-dimensional lattice such as cubic, create non-conductive islands within the material, limiting the quantity of passable paths through out the conductor.
The passage of el. current through out the metallic conductor constantly breaks and reestablishes valence bonds between nuclei, depending on the match of el. current path wave phase and frequency and the locally encountered valence bond oscillations and their interference. The same can be stated about thermal oscillations, which also constantly break valence bonds (check annealing), valence quarks for that matter, but which get constantly and what may be called spontaneously rejuvenated from the environment, as well as from the other, breaking bonds. In case the material is under el. current flow, the bonds are also rejuvenated by the el. current. Every broken valence bond represents an el. current impulse in the material, but the interference within the material decides the length of the path of that impulse and decides, whether it becomes heat or whether it will remain as el. current.
If these impulses can be made coherent (in step), they pass the material and we call them el. current. If these impulses become trapped between any two nuclei, or two crystals, oscillating back and forth, we call them heat.
Heat is basically whole range of AC frequencies oscillating on a miniature scale among the nuclei and/or grains of a material structure, with its related mechanical oscillation of nuclei and grains, with its associated waving of magnetic structure of valence quarks.
Part of coherent el. current becomes heat, when the current has to pass already oscillating valence bond, as long as their phase and spatial frequency do not match the momentary shape, length, or phase of the oscillating valence bond. The current momentarily breaks and that portion of it, which could not pass, rebounds and becomes thermal energy of that valence bond, further hindering current passage and increasing the energetic state of that valence bond. This energy may be radiated out as photon(s), or conducted elsewhere as el. current heat or actually create another valence bond elsewhere, or continue on after few rebounds as the dynamics constantly change. When the thermal oscillation interference crosses the threshold of valence bond, the magnetic structure of the bond dissolves and only the el. field (or gravitational, see below) bundle of electric paths of communication is left in the place of the valence bond.
When the el. current spatial wave phase and the thermal temporal wave phase compound, the value of the energy of the valence bond increases as quantum leap. When they interfere thermally, but so that the original bond wave actually breaks in two, the valence bond increases in length. This increases the spatial requirement of the valence bond and the bond tends to expand. But, there are spatial limitations imposed on the increase in length of individual bonds in solid and liquid state materials, imposed by all the other bonds of the structure within the material. Only the surface bonds are free to extend and can be observed as extended optical surface field of materials (not to be mistaken for the polarized magnetic field). This field has no particular large-scale polar orientation. It is directionally scattered, but it refracts light all the same.
But what is the el. current and its associated magnetic field then?
The broken and created valence bonds in the electrolyte of a lead acid battery hold the key to the answer as to the nature of el. current. A broken valence bond represents the following:
  • The inter nucleon distance of a former PbSO4 molecule changes, increasing to any value. The SO4 cluster ties weakly to H2O by solution bond.
  • The electric field of the ion SO4, its charge, originally concentrated at the common axis of Pb - SO4, spreads into a more or less globular (radial would be another term to use but actually a donut) shape, if it did not partially shift into other bonds with other nuclei, in this case 2H. This replaces the original H2O oxygen and releases O out of the electrolyte as oxygen gas (actually, some SO4 exits as well as gas).
The destroyed Pb-SO4 bond double loop quark, the magnetic structure, splits into two linear traveling structures, i.e. photons. The original negative quark and its counterpart, the positive antiquark begin to travel at the speed of light (specific to a particular medium) through the electrolyte (mostly water) in a mutually opposite direction and under ideal circumstances, circle the electrical circuit in the same manner and under the same principle the light travels the “free space” (See Wave5 - light). These are magnetic, locally harmonized magnetic structures of electric field(s), which orthodoxy calls a photon, and which Leadskalnin called “little north and south magnets”. Photons of light have actually magnetic polarity.
But, as mentioned previously, a single photon does not make an el. current. Electron, or in our case a valence bond, is a series of one or more photons strung into a quark loop, a wavy circular double path of aether flows, which create either electric or gravitational field. (In case of valence bonds and any quark structure, these are circular vortex fields.) The same has to happen in an electric circuit. The loop has to be closed and the wavy path of the photons of el. current has to be continuous. It can be stated that a single path of el. current is a closed loop of a sequence of opposite direction photon waves. This is equivalent to a somewhat longish multiple wave, with a spin of its own and all that is valid for an electron, including general magnetic momentum, i.e. magnetic polarity (which is best represented by the polarity of a DC coil).
When an el. current path is established through out the conductor by tension of single polarity and strength, the photons propagate along the existing quark structure, through the nuclei clusters and through the existing valence bonds, as long as they are in proper orientation of polarity. They also propagate along existing electric and gravitational fields among the nuclei of the material. These (micro) fields have to be sufficiently dense, but not necessarily of correct polar orientation of the electric fields. El. current has the capability to create temporary as well as permanent valence bonds out of these fields. When the unification of the magnetic photon crosses an electric inter nuclear electric field and encounters a non-harmonic length of that field, three things may happen.
  • The photon unifies the field into magnetic structure and bounces between the two nuclei. This is the principle which gives rise to the molecular oscillation, the heat.
  • The photon passes as el. current and preserves the bond for as long, as long the generator supports the el. current passage.
  • The photon passes as el. current and leaves a bond behind such as in PbSO4 case.
As much as el. current is capable to create valence bonds, it is capable to destroy them. When the photonic wave of magnetic unification hits a valence bond already disturbed by heat oscillation, it may split the valence bond as well as its own wave of unification due to the wave interference, leaving strictly electric, or in the case of metals a gravitation field between the two nuclei. The two above effects cause constant structural changes in the conductor. I said gravitation, because mixed polarity electric field is gravitational field.
First of all, the passage of el. current creates new valence bonds through out the structure in the orientation of the electric tension. This reinforces tensile strength of the conductor in its polar orientation and constricts the material in that orientation. In plain English:
  • The tensile strength of a wire increases in the direction of its length with the value of el. current passing the wire (save for the effects of heat build up), partly due to the increased quantity of valence bonds in that orientation and partly due to the established general electric field.
  • The wire shortens in length the more the greater is the value of el. current passed through it (save again for the effects of heat buildup), partly due to the increased quantity of valence bonds in that orientation and partly to the established general electric field.
  • Valence bonding geometry and quantity constantly changes in a conductor under el. current, which can be interpreted as jumpy electron travel. But electron travel is not exactly travel. It could be called electron tunneling by orthodoxy, but it is not tunneling either. It is virtual phenomena of creation and destruction of magnetic unification of gravitational (metallic) and electric (ionic) fields. It is a secondary effect of passage of el. current, not the primary cause of el. current propagation.
No original valence bonds in a material become free electrons traveling the circuit, as the orthodoxy would have you to believe. There are no free electrons present within any solid or liquid material. Metallic valence bonds are not electrons at all. They are magnetic structures of gravitational field, they are harmonically bundled gravitational paths of communication.
The paths of electric and gravitational communication are helical. The paths of the el. current through out the metallic conductors are helical and the paths of el. current outside the matter of the conductor are helical. El. current paths exit and reenter the surface of its conductors. They propagate partially outside of what we call the material body. The el. current propagates along the generally polarized optical field of the conductors. It propagates along general gravitational field, as long as it is able to close the circuit.
Both directions of photons of magnetic paths unify their gravitational substrate paths and mutually preserve their common structuring of arcs.
El. current exists the material body at the surface, propagates as photonic (magnetic unification) wave along the material’s own gravitational and electric field outside the body creating its magnetic field, only to reenter the material body. The magnetic field of a conductor is helical, actually double helical in the sense of a Caduceus, or basket coil. It is a geometric structure, but a structure created by the light speed photonic wave series. It is equivalent to quark or electron structure, but without the “benefit” of thermal interference with the material and because of that, without associated electric field. Therefore, it is completely transparent, weightless and mass les, temperature less, whatever less.
The steady magnetic field can’t be exploited as a power source. Each path of the magnetic field is an electron, a quark, in its own right. It permeates other materials, but get little involved in the process of that material. The only exceptions are ferromagnetic elements. The iron, nickel and cobalt actually give support to the external magnetic field within their own structure. They allow the magnetic field paths to bend much more sharply than any other environment. In plain English, iron sucks magnetic field into itself processing it. Iron does not shield magnetic field, it condenses it and changes its geometry.
El. potential represents an establishment of electric links among neutral nuclei of a metal. It does not cause any el. current. It establishes stress and lasts as long as is can be supported by external induction, or by natural asymmetry of some materials, like PbO2. But, the el. tension orientation also establishes preferred orientation of creation of valence bonds among the nuclei (and grains) of the metallic conductor by reinforcing the gravitational field in that orientation adding extra electric (or gravitational) frequencies to the material. The difference between gravitational and electric is structural, not principal.
The break up of the valence bond does not mean a complete disappearance of everything in that space. The gravitational (or electric) field, which gave rise to the bond in the first place, remains. What disappears from the space originally occupied by the bond is the magnetic structure of the electric (or the gravitational) field.
Here I have to pause a bit and do some clarification. The general gravitational field, as comprehended by most, is a huge set of curved paths of aetheral flows. The geometry of the aetheral paths is first of all curved (well, most of them anyway) originating at the earth surface (for all the practical purposes) and terminating there as well. It has structure somewhat similar to terry cloth surface, but in multiple layers and in multiple lengths and orientations of its loops. The gravitational field of the potential valence bond has structure of multiple, straight strands strung between any two nuclei, or grains.
Where el. current flow energizes valence bond past its critical energy content, the bond tends to increase its length and generally tends to expand the material. This is a process similar to the change of state of lets say water, from liquid to gas. But, there is one great difference. While only valence bonds tend to grow in the conductors, the whole nuclei grows when liquid changes its state to gas. Gaseous state means that the nuclei of the element expanded. Its quark photon wavelength(s) remain the same, but the chain of the photonic waves doubles, quadruples etc. In case of water H2O, it may be only hydrogen, or both, but hydrogen expands first.
Each hydrogen nuclei (normally a nucleon), is a partial Meisner field. Part of its structure is strictly magnetic. Unless its harmonic is identical to another such nucleon, they repel, or better said refuse to permeate each other, due to magnetic frequency incompatibility. But they are still subject to thermal oscillation. Part of their quark structure is still electric. Because of that, they are still subject to gravity etc. and subject to Van der Waals force.
The H2 still have the oxygen bound by valence bond and unless the oxygen (a relatively more complex nucleon structure) becomes disassociated from the hydrogen, or itself expanded, the hydrogen expansion is solely responsible for the growth of the vapor volume.
On the other hand, when any two hydrogen nuclei do by any chance become harmonic, or identical, they will fuse into larger nuclear structure. The problem with this whole scenario is, that due to thermal oscillations, the harmonic compatibility is a question of probabilities.
Gas is not a sea of independent molecules bouncing off each other, but a sea of matter structured along electric and gravitational field links, which gives preexistence condition to creation of valence bonds. Gas structure as a bulk is shifting at much greater rate than liquid, or solid, because its closed magnetic fields (which are equivalent to Meisner fields) keep their electric (and gravitational, depending on the elemental and compound nature of the gas) bonding at relatively great distances and also their valence bonds much longer, therefore very fluid. Yet, they allow propagation el. current under some conditions along their bond structure, as in the case of tornado. (The green, tornado weather glow, is a relatively weak el. current discharge between clouds and the earth along a large profile of air conductivity)
The propagation and structure of el. current in a regular conductor, lets say a copper wire at ambient temperature, is under a constant influence of thermal oscillations and structural changes in the conductor.
  • The quark segments of valence bonds are constantly subject to changes in length, which constantly changes the tuning lengths of valence bonds. The length of the valence bonds is their resonant frequency, which applies to aetheral flow propagation as much as it applies to thermal wave propagation and the photon propagation.
  • The thermal oscillation of nuclei and grains in indiscriminate directions and amplitudes also constantly disturbs the el. current wave static pattern. The thermal oscillations superimpose traveling wave onto the static wave pattern of el. current.
Both of the above cause thermal interference whose chaos and energy is supplied by the el. current energy. Heat is to a degree as much el. current as the el. current proper. The only difference is, that heat is localized natural AC oscillation of photonic wave between nuclei and molecular clusters, with its associated temporal waving, as opposed to the closed loop DC. The degree of thermal conductivity in a metallic conductor is directly affected by passage of DC through the conductor. (REF EXP SPOTWELD pending).
This experiment shows that heat and el. current have common origin and principle.
The thermal interference in a metallic conductor causes partial separations of the photonic wave unifications making the unification incomplete. This allows for the el. fields, which are partially outside the valence bond magnetic structure. This causes a few phenomena:
  • The electric part of the mixed electric and magnetic structuring of materials is what sets the gravitational as well as inertial mass of the material objects. The general gravitational field does not act directly on magnetic structures. It acts directly on electric and gravitational field structures associated with quarks of matter, be it nuclear quarks of valence quarks.
  • The opaqueness of a material to light propagation. The electric (grav.) fields around the valence bond magnetic structure interfere with the passing photon (of light) magnetic structure, as the photon of light becomes entangled in the material magnetic structure and is disturbed and subject to the same influences the el. current is subjected to under ambient conditions. It is an interference of aetheral paths of communication, of the general gravitational field, which permeates all matter, with the vortexial paths of aetheral communication belonging to the material within a conductor as well as within most materials in general. Light escapes this interference only in a few transparent materials known to man. These materials are structured so, that part of the general gravitational field, or better said some directions of the aetheral paths of communication of the general field escape the magnetic entanglement within the material.
What is valid for valence bond quark structure is also valid for nuclear quark structure. Nucleus is not exempt from thermal interference, as long as its nuclei are in groupings. Only very small nuclear clusters are able to avoid thermal interference under specific conditions peculiar to particular elements and atomic cluster sizes. These lose weight, opaqueness and inertia again under particular conditions. (ref: ORMES) But such nuclei are also common in regular material under ambient conditions, as apparent from Fig 1. We should not expect a magnetic valence bond between a nucleus and nothing.
The thermo-electric interference is also one of the causes of el. current photonic wave spectra. El. current spectra are first of all peculiar to the origin of the el. current. Lets say the lead acid battery produces fairly consistent spectrum of el. current, because the destroyed (demagnetized) valence bonds of PbSO4 are nearly identical. But as soon as the current passes through the lead plates and the rest of the circuit, it is interfered with and changes. It becomes “white”.
The only partial exceptions to the above are:
  • The cold superconductivity. This is superconductivity of some metals at close to 0 Kelvin (below the temperature of boiling helium). The suppression of thermal interference in such materials allows the el. current propagation through out the super conductive ring without thermal interference and most of all the electric interference. Introduction of any electric potential destroys the super conductive property of a cold superconductor. Any introduced external magnetic field also destroys the cold superconductivity, subject to strength, because it breaks down the super conductive harmonics of the super conductive el. current and the super conductive magnetic field. The very own magnetic field of the superconductor destroys the superconductivity, for the simple reason of magnetic saturation of the material.
  • The hot superconductivity, where the thermal oscillations are damped by the mass inertia of grains of the ceramic superconductor and which occurs below liquid nitrogen boiling point, that is temperatures lower than some 170 Kelvin. Actually, the super conductive ceramics, are excellent insulators above their critical temperatures. They are ionic bond systems within their crystals with metallic bonding (of the dope elements) among the crystals. This allows for passage of el. current in between the crystals, but not through out the whole structure.
  • Permanent magnet circulating el. currents, which are limited in diameter by the permanent material structure. These currents are able to circulate around particular sizes of either metallic or ceramic grains.
Actually, all matter has superconductivity imbedded in it. A single electron, or better said a valence bond is a super conductive path to particular frequency of el. current, save for the thermal interference. Every quark loop is a super conductive path. But these paths do not possess magnetic field. They are magnetic field. They only have a magnetic momentum.
No matter can be magnetically aligned across all, even most of its valence bonds. Any such alignment would cause the material to break apart. Magnetism is the very force, which holds nuclei and molecules of liquids and solids together, be it called valence bonds or whatever.
The super conductive magnetic field, the Meisner field, is different from the regular magnetic field by its origin. The el. currents in standard conductors have large spectrum of frequencies along each current path. When two magnets interact, most frequencies of one magnet find identical frequencies in the other magnet and join together.
Lets say magnet A contains el. current and its magnetic field path frequency A2 and a magnet B contains identical frequency B2. As long as the two are held at greater than interactive distance, there are two loops of this frequency 2 around each magnet. But when the two are brought into proximity, these two loops unify and create a common magnetic loop AB2.
When A has also A4 current frequency, but B lacks this frequency, there are two possible scenarios.
  • If the B is at least partly ferromagnetic, The A4 magnetic loop permeates the ferromagnetic structure and retunes it. This establishes current B4 in the ferromagnetic material and the two again close into one circuit of a magnetic, or el. current path. This is valid, unless the ferro-magnet becomes saturated.
  • If the B is not ferromagnetic, its magnetic structure refuses to accept the external A4 path and this path is relatively diamagnetic, that is repulsive in any orientation of the two magnets.
The difference between the quantity of diamagnetic paths of the two magnets and their “ferromagnetic” paths establishes their mutual attractive force.
Superconductors have a very narrow spectrum of el. current magnetic paths frequencies, but most of all, they have single harmonic series of frequencies of their el. current as well as magnetic field. The remanent thermal oscillation of nuclei and grains in superconductors has to be actually harmonized with the current photonic wave, or damped out. This may mean that cold superconductors have single el. current frequency, while the high temperature superconductors have single harmonic spectrum. The synchronization of the thermal oscillation with the el. current wave propagation (you can visualize it on Styrofoam bobs bobbing on water waves, where the bobs represent material particulate, while the wave represents el. current photonic wave) means that the el. current frequency in superconductors is relatively low. Normal magnets do not possess such low frequencies and the thermal oscillations in them prevent establishment of such low frequencies in them, at least in an appreciable degree. Therefore, all the paths of a superconductor are “diamagnetic” relative to a regular magnet, or a conductor under el. current.
Once we begin to appreciate the rules of harmonics, we can realize that each superconductor el. current wave pattern has to correspond to the bulk properties of the whole super conductive chunk of matter. We can’t expect to have 2.4 wavelengths of el. current in a material circuit, which has length 4, or 8. Its path length has to be 2.4, or 4.8, or 7.2 etc. The magnetic field path, that is the part of the el. current, which is external to the material, is apparently quite flexible, but the internal material portion of it, the el. current proper, is totally dependent on the quark substrate.
Every magnetic loop tends to shorten its path due to the fluid interaction dynamics. This is actually a “head on “ attractive force principle, with which I have begun all my TTF speculations. It is a bit more complex than my original fish-water analogy because it deals with fluid to fluid counter flow dynamics, not solid to fluid counter flow dynamics. But it does for a simplified visualization. The tendency of every single path to shrink carries its respective sources, the magnets, toward each other. Attraction between any two magnets is not given by any laws of current mathematics. It is given by the degree of deformation of the field combined with quantity of the relatively “ferromagnetic” and “diamagnetic” paths of any two interacting magnets and their mutual alignment.
As mentioned elsewhere, any two magnets have to be retained in order to repulse in alike orientation of their poles. Lack of retention of at least one magnet flips the magnet into unlike orientation and attraction results as default. This simple fact shows that magnets in repulsive (alike) orientation attract away from each other, rather then repulse. The conditions of attractive and repulsive orientation of any two permanent magnets ARE NOT EQUIVALENT.
OK. This is for the real slow ones. Lets say I grab a long piece of rope and tie a stone to one of its ends. Lets say I walk toward the nearest tree with the other rope end in my hand and around the tree and back to the stone. I have ended up with the stone next to me and with the rope (the magnetic path) around the tree. How do I get the stone to go away from me? Pulling on the rope. I have attracted the stone away from me.
The magnetic field of two alike oriented magnets is only convoluted so, that the attraction takes a roundabout path, but it is still attraction, even though its apparent result is repulsion.
But back to the super conductivity.
  • Orthodoxy claims that when superconductor is exposed to an external common magnetic field of what can be called coercive strength, the external field burrows into the super conductor at some locality and destroys its superconductivity. Guess why? The external field introduces multiple and assorted frequencies of el. current into the superconductor and most of all frequencies corresponding to much higher frequencies of the external field.
  • Orthodoxy claims that when superconductor is exposed to an external super conductive field of what can be called coercive strength, the external field burrows into the super conductor at some locality and destroys its superconductivity. Guess why? The introduced field frequency is not compatible, or better said harmonic, or identical to the frequency of the coerced superconductor. It is not compatible with its size and/or material nature.
  • Orthodoxy claims that when superconductor own el. current and therefore magnetic field is induced at too high a value its own field burrows into the super conductor at some locality and destroys its superconductivity. Guess why? There is something called saturation. The superconductivity of this kind is only partial. It does not involve the whole quark structure of the superconductor. It involves only paths through out the structure. The capacity of every superconductor to enter the state of superconductivity, or to pass el. current is limited by its valence and nuclear structure relationships as well as the nuclear geometry. If you managed to involve the whole superconductor in superconductivity of single orientation, and I mean every single quark of it, the whole magnetic structure would disappear in a searing flash of light. (Never the less, the gravitational field structure might survive intact, like a ghost of the original material)
So far we have been through more or less DC. Lets have a look at AC.
I used to know an electrician who served the Prague tube. He would take few buddies in, now and than, to socialize in his underground shop and sometimes we would walk the tracks at night when the tube was closed for maintenance and when he would finish some service before we’d go somewhere boozing. One of the things, which stroke me as odd, was that he had to wait quite a substantial time after the main electric feed rail power was cut off, before he would short the feed rail onto the grounded tracks in order to do some maintenance on the high current circuit.
I asked him at the time: "How come?" He told me that the feed rail is under oscillating current for quite a while after being switched off, before the power dissipates. He stated that sometime, even the safe time (5 min. if I remember correctly) is not enough and that he has seen few of the shorting bars badly burned when shorting the feed rail (a bus bar). This was one of my encounters with an anomaly, as I saw it at the time, because according to the basic school knowledge, the resistance should have killed the power in the bus bar “instantly”. Actually, the lack of externally supported tension should have killed the current instantly. We are talking DC (rectified AC) power supply ("old proven Russian technology" <G>) The current, and here we talk naturally oscillating AC, propagated in the buss bar some 18-20km long back and forth.
I have written very recently a post to JLN on the difference between DC and AC with respect to electrolysis and frequency. In a nutshell, I have stated that chemistry of every chemical cell, a battery, has natural frequency of oscillation and that every material has the same. I have stated that the chemical reactions in a cell, when fed rectified AC, depend on the frequency of that AC (generated by pulsed DC) for efficiency and that passage of AC through conductors also depends on the frequency, because the AC forces re-polarization of the material structure twice per cycle. The closer is the frequency of the supplied AC to the resonant frequency of the conductor, rather than just harmonic, the more efficient is the transmission. Also, when such oscillation is picked up by an induction coil and rectified, its pulsing establishes the efficiency of battery charging. Straight natural frequency AC also rules the efficiency of electrolysis, or better said direct application of AC for heating of water.
If the AC supplied to a conductor is timed so, that it sits on the oscillating frequency of the material of the conductor as well as on the oscillating frequency of the whole conductor length, the passage of AC, or better said the self oscillating (SOAC) should eventually absorb the thermal oscillations in the material, converting it into el. current. This should result in cooling of the conductor and initial increase in the value of the current. Further supply of heat, that is including ambient heat, should supplement the energy of SOAC oscillation. Here we are not dealing with a closed circuit though, but with either a long and relatively straight conductor, or may be a flat Tesla coil, but in any case an open circuit.
This would mean that if an open circuit was made of different materials, lets say copper wire and a tungsten filament and the SOAC was resonant with the copper, the copper should cool and the tungsten should still heat up, being non-resonant. This is actually Floyd Sweet's cold current, as the stories go. Such a circuit should show interesting properties of the el. current effects, because the current in such a circuit should be fairly coherent and spectrally specific to the tuned conductor. It could be compared to laser light propagating through non-interfering medium. (Lets say red ruby laser light passing red party balloon without busting it)
But, there is more to it. This kind of AC could be considered super conductive and it might show other exotic properties, because the material resonance would be not only “electric”, but also mechanical (thermally coherent). The conductor under SOAC boosted self oscillation would be changing great portion of its thermal state structure into a plasma (magnetic) state structure. That could bring along some degree of transparency and change in mass values, but most of all sound wave, because the coherent thermal oscillation through out material is equivalent to sound wave.
The problem is, that any asynchronous material (lets say tungsten) will counteract the synchronicity of the conductor (lets say copper) oscillation and the thermal effects in the tungsten will counter plasma effects in copper. The tungsten would tend to break up el. current path frequency(s) in the circuit. On the other hand, the length of the open circuit should overcome the current frequency scattering by the magnitude of the oscillation.
The SOAC has to conform to two resonant values. First one is resonant value of sound of the conductor material, which can be actually helped by introduction of mechanical tension exerted on the conductor. The second one is the length of the conductor.
  • SOAC frequency would have to directly conform to the length of the conductor. That is, if the speed of el. current for lets say copper is 300 000km/s the circuit length has to be 150 000km long if fed 1Hz AC. Or, one could feed 2Hz AC into 75 000km of a conductor etc. These ratios cannot be played with.
  • The natural mechanical frequency of the copper wire may have to be found by experiment, because it varies with its mechanical properties as it is manufactured. This resonant frequency has to be a harmonic of the SOAC oscillation. If the AC oscillation is 8Hz, the sound, or mechanical oscillation has to be 2,4,8,16,32...Hz. The closer the two, the better the results. Any wire, as manufactured, contains structural “flaws” in the form of harder and softer “knots”. These better be smoothed out. This can be done by exposure of the wire to its single resonant frequency sound, while being re-annealed, which is probably what Keely used as methodology for conditioning of his wires. There is also a good possibility that resonant AC, the SOAC, will eventually achieve necessary structural changes in the copper conductor after prolonged duration of exposure to SOAC.
In any case, the SOAC el. current dynamic wave pattern has to synchronize with the thermal (or eventually sound, as the thermal chaos becomes unified into sound oscillating pattern) oscillation in the conductor. This requires resonant frequency of the conductor molecular and/or grain structure, which requires homogeneity of that structure through out the conductor. Keely, Tesla, Floyd Sweet and possibly others have each laid down a bit of the ground work, or perhaps, we were left with useful bits and pieces after their earthly demise, which escaped the destructive work of the executors of their estates.
  • Tesla states in some of his write-ups that the last thing you want to achieve in a self-oscillating el. current system is capacitance. This means that the ends of the open circuit of a length of a conductor have to be executed so, that capacitance is avoided as much as possible. This means that the ends of the open circuit should be as far apart as possible and that the last thing you want is to close the circuit with a capacitor, or utilize capacitor anywhere in the open circuit.
  • Keely states what I have restated above about the properties of conductors, drawn copper wire in particular. Homogenity of the conductor is an important issue.
  • Floyd Sweet utilized resonant frequency of permanent magnet for induction of SOAC in his circuits. He had coiled primary around a permanent magnet and fed it DC pulses, allowing the permanent magnet field to resonate at its own frequency. The secondary picked up on this resonance and passed SOAC signal of el. current into his open circuit. He could also pulse single coil and collect from the same, though. His magnet conditioning in front of a TV was a smoke screen.
Actually, utilization of sound in electric current conductivity should facilitate superconductivity of materials, as it suppresses chaotic thermal oscillation of the molecular and grain structure of materials. Under such conditions, polycrystalline ceramics can be made super conductive at ambient temperatures, as long as their inter-crystalline makeup is conductive.
The polycrystalline ceramics, like granite or limestone, can be resonated with the result of magnetic levitation due to SOAC superconductivity. There are two necessary conditions for this. First one is steady resonant sound (in form of monotonous litany, or a sound of a musical instrument, or a harmonic sound of the natural ceramic mechanical frequency etc). The second condition is shock. It may be mechanical, or an indiscriminate sound like drum beat or a staff hitting the ground. (A repeatedly struck gong, tuned for particular ceramic would do both simultaneously.) The first one harmonizes thermal activity in the material. The second one induces el. currents, meaning super conductive SOAC el. currents, in the material, with their associated Meisner field. Together, they give rise to spatially fairly organized oscillating field through out and outside the ceramic, which then levitates within the geomagnetic multi-frequency field.
AC, as produced at power plant, the so called "pure" sine wave, is not true, natural AC. It is pushed up hill by the forced rotation of the generator and braked down hill by the same, with magnetic drag thrown into the pot, instead of being allowed to oscillate at its own natural frequency in the windings and in the circuit. This kind of AC is completely unsuitable to any really efficient applications mentioned above.
There is a way of producing SOAC with an alternator, though. The alternator and its winding lengths have to be synchronized (by total length) with the length of open circuit(s) and the rpm of the alternator has to correspond to the quantity of its inductive magnetic fingers for resonant frequency of the whole assembly, the alternator and the circuit. The induction in the coils and the open circuit has to reverse naturally at the same clip, as the magnets pass the coils. This is not the case with the present alternator designs. The alternator induction has to boost (in step) the natural el. current reversals in its coils and the circuitry. The commutator, being an arcing proposition of uncontrollable el. current frequencies and electric potential, has to be eliminated from the alternator design.
Two such designs have been posted on my site for about year and a half now in the patent section. I had to abandon the patent process due to insufficient funds and as far as I am concerned, it can be as well considered a public domain by whoever wants it.
The ends of the open circuits have to be prevented from being grounded! Tesla coil, the high current proposition with its compounded magnetic field resonance, should be considered in the design of boosted, open SOAC circuits.
El. current as such has no electric polarity. Electric current is not at all electric. It is a magnetic phenomenon and it has only magnetic polarity. Its magnetic polarity does break down into electric polarity, when the magnetic photons of el. current break up and the electric field structure is left behind, but then all that is left is el. field(s) without the el. current motional and mechanical properties. Leedskalnin was absolutely correct to call el. current a magnetic current. It should be re-designated as magnetic current.
The magnetic polarity orientation does decide the residual electric polarity in a conductor, as per capacitance, but electric polarity orientation does not prevent el. current passage in any direction as long as the current is synchronous with the material structure oscillations, or mighty enough to overcome thermal oscillations. This is exactly the reason why E-bomb, or the EM pulse from a nuke makes semiconductor technology much more vulnerable to damage than electron valve (lamp) technology.
The whole orthodox teaching of electricity is a pile of disgusting rubbish, except for its techno-mathematical rules of thumb, which seldom apply exactly to particular practical applications, yet are close enough to be practically useful.

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