domingo, 13 de julio de 2014


Rewritten by S.D.K. for an easier understandability. My comments and notes are in italics and maroon colour. The meaning of Ed Leedskalnin’s sentences has not been altered as far as I can tell, right or wrong. Only his expressions and terminology were ordered for clarity the best I could do. I do not necessarily agree or disagree with any/or every point in this document. The copyrights on the original have expired and I do not insist on copyright of this rewrite. The document is meant to serve as an object of study for those who have problem with Ed's original.
This writing is lined up so that you look east when you read it.
The following is a result of my two years of experimenting with magnets at Rock Gate, seventeen miles Southwest from Miami, Florida. That lies Between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth Latitude and Eightieth and Eighty-first Longitude West. I will first describe what is a magnet. You have seen straight bar magnets, U shape magnets and sphere or ball magnets. There are also Alnico magnets in many shapes, and usually with a hole in the middle. There are two poles in all magnets. One side is the north pole and the other one is the south pole. These poles are even in those magnets, which have no geometric end.
A strong magnet can change polarity in a steel sphere, or remove it all together. This shows you that magnetism can be shifted and concentrated. It also shows you that the metal is not a real magnet. The real magnet is the substance circulating in the metal. Each particle in that circulating substance is an individual magnet by itself. There are north and south individual magnets. They are so small, that they can pass through anything. In fact, they can pass easier through metal than through the air. They are in constant motion. The north individual magnets run against the south individual magnets, and if guided in the right channels, they possess perpetual power.
"North and South individual magnets" (Ed’s particles of magnetic flux in his sense and meaning) are, from now on, called N magnets or S magnets when discussed separately, and NS magnets when discussed together.
These NS magnets are the cosmic force. They hold together this earth and everything on it. Each N or S magnet is equal in strength, but the strength of each N or S magnet doesn't amount to anything. They have to come in great numbers, in order to be of any practical use. They circulate through the metal of a permanent magnet in great numbers in the following way: Each kind of the N and S magnets comes out of its own magnetic pole and it runs around into the other pole, then back through the metal to its own end and over and over again.
Not all the NS magnets run around. Some run out to never come back, but new ones take their place. The earth itself is a great big magnet. In general, these NS magnets circulate in the same way around it and inside it, as in a permanent magnet. The N magnets come out from the earth's south pole, run around the globe and enter into the north pole. Then they pass through earth toward south pole. S magnets circulate the other way around. There is a semi-neutral part in a permanent bar magnet, where there is not much going in or out. There is no place on earth where the NS magnets do not go in or out, only that more NS magnets run in and out at the poles than at the Equator.
Now, I will tell you what to do, and you will be able to see that for yourself.
  • A permanent magnet bar four inches long.
  • A U shape permanent magnet that is strong enough to lift from ten to twenty pounds of mild steel. It should have 3" gap between its prongs.
  • An Alnico doughnut magnet about three inches long, two and one-half inches outside diameter and one-inch thick wall.
  • Several feet in length of hard steel fishing line. The line stays always straight when it is not coiled. A guitar string should do.
  • A soft steel welding rod 1/8" diameter by 3’ long.
You will create magnets (like compass needles) from the fishing wire and from the welding rod. Once you hang them up by their middle in fine threads and keep them there, they will be permanent magnets.
A magnetized piece of a steel fishing line serving for the detection purposes is called a compass from now on.
Use the U shape permanent magnet to magnetize the welding rod, its south pole to make the north pole in the rod, and its north pole to make the south pole in the rod. Drag the U magnet over the welding rod from end to end, but don’t stop in the middle. If you do so, you will create an extra pole in the middle and that will disturb the NS magnet (flux) circulation. Use iron filings to test the rod and make sure that there is not this extra pole in the middle. If there is, the filings will cling to it. To remove this pole, drag the permanent magnet over the rod again and this will remove it. To demagnetize the rod ends, approach or touch the rod end with the U magnet pole of the same kind as that on the rod. You will see how it works when you dip the rod ends into iron filings.
Break off three pieces of the steel fishing line just fitting between the two prongs of the U permanent magnet. Place them endwise between the two poles and take them out. Test the strength of the compasses with iron filings. Mark their poles and tie one by its middle with a fine thread (preferably a spider thread) and hang it up in the east side of a room, where there is no other magnet or metal around. This will serve you as a compass for testing of the polarity in other magnets.
Hold the U magnet by its bend two feet West from this compass, its north pole level with the compass. The south pole of the compass should turn toward you and the north pole away from you. Now hold the south pole level with the compass, this time the north pole of the compass should turn toward you and its south pole away from you. This experiment shows two things. One is that the NS magnets can be sent out in straight streams, and the other that whichever kind of NS magnets are sent out, the other kind comes back to you.
Place the remaining two pieces of the steel fishing line into the U magnet and hold them there for a little while. Take them out, mark the poles and bend a little hook in one end of each. Bend hook on one at its south pole and the other at its north pole. Hang them up by a fine thread three inches apart by their hook. Now you have vertical compasses.
Take the four-inch permanent bar magnet and hold it with its north pole north-vise and its south pole south-vise bellow the vertical compasses. Raise the bar magnet slowly up to the two compasses. You will see that the compasses are closing. Now reverse and turn north pole of the bar magnet south-wise and its south pole north-vise and raise. The compasses will spread out this time. This experiment shows that N and S magnets are equal in strength and that their streams run one kind against the other.
Cut a strip of a steel tin can about two inches wide and a foot long. Hang the strip under the north pole of the U magnet and dip the lower end into iron filings and see how much it lifts. Now hang the strip under the South Pole of the U magnet and see how much it lifts. Change several times and you will see that the north pole lifts more than the south pole.
Place the north pole of the U magnet under a box with iron filings, and see how much it pushes up. Repeat with the South Pole and see how much it pushes up. Do this several times over and you will see that the south pole pushes up more than the north pole. This experiment shows again that the magnets are in equal strength on level ground.
Take the magnetized 3Ft long steel welding rod. Hang it in a fine thread and level. Measure each end to thread distance. You will see that the south end is longer. In my location at Rock Gate, the south pole end of the welding rod is about a 1/16" longer than its north pole end. The difference should be greater farther north, but both ends of the 3’ welding rod should be equal in length at Equator. The north pole end of the rod should be longer in earth's south hemisphere.
All my compasses point neither to the earth's magnetic pole, nor to the geographic pole. They point a little northeast. The only reason I can figure out why they point in that way is that looking from the north magnetic pole geographical meridian, the south magnetic pole is one hundred and fifteen longitudes west from it. In a rough estimate, the earth's south magnetic pole is two hundred and sixty miles west from the north magnetic pole meridian. That causes the N and S magnets to run in northeast and southwest directions. My location is too far away from the magnetic poles. All my compasses are guided by the passing by general stream of NS magnets.
The magnetic current is the same thing as electric current. Electric current is a wrong expression. In reality, it is not one current, but two. One current is composed of concentrated streams of N magnets and the other is composed of concentrated streams of S magnets. They run against each other in a whirling, screw-like fashion, and at a high speed. One current alone, be it the N magnet current or the S magnet current cannot run. In order to run, one current has to run against the other.
I will tell you now, how the currents run when they exit a car battery and what they can do.
Put an open side wooden box on the floor, the open side up. Cut two notches in the middle of two opposite sides, so that you can put 1/8" dia. 18" long copper wire across the box. Orient the box so, that the wire runs east-west. Stand yourself west of the box and place your car battery south of the box. Orient the positive battery terminal east and the negative terminal west. Get two flexible leads and four clips to fit the battery and the bare copper wire. Connect the east end of the copper wire with the positive battery terminal and clip the other lead on the west end of the copper wire, but leave the connection with the negative battery terminal open.
Break off two 1" pieces of the steel fishing line. Mark the ends for reference. Hold both fishing line pieces between two fingertips of one hand, so that you can slip one above and one below the copper wire on the box. Slip the pieces perpendicularly half way, one over and one under the copper wire. Now, touch the negative terminal with the loose lead clip and hold, until the copper wire gets hot. Take the fishing line pieces off. Now, you have two compasses. Hang them up by the middle in a fine thread. The compass that was on the top of the copper wire will orient itself in the same direction it was when being magnetized. The one, which was below the copper wire, will settle opposite.
Break off a 5" piece of the fishing line and hold its middle across the top of the copper wire on the box. Again, touch the negative battery post with the lead clip and hold until the copper wire gets hot. Dip the middle of this compass into iron filings and you will see what length of a compass that can be made with this equipment.
Break off several more pieces of the steel fishing line to just fit between the poles of the U shape permanent magnet. Mark again for reference. Hold two of them by their ends between your fingertips. Place them vertically around the copper wire on the box, one piece south side of the copper wire, and the other piece north side. Go only so low, that the lower ends of the lines are just below the copper wire. Hold tight and touch the negative battery terminal with the free lead clip and hold until the copper wire gets hot.
Make hooks on their top ends and hang them vertically, by a fine thread, just above the copper wire. Touch the battery negative post with the lead. The compass, which was magnetized on the south side, will swing south, while the other compass will swing north.
Place two fresh pieces of the fishing line across the top of the copper wire, the ends just a little over the copper wire, one pointing south and the other pointing north. Hold them tight and touch the battery until the copper wire gets hot. Take the new compasses off. The one pointing south is the south pole magnet and the one pointing north is the north pole magnet.
Place fresh fish line piece on top of the copper wire pointing south, other below pointing north. Magnetize them and hang them up by their tail ends (bent hooks) on the copper wire and touch the negative battery terminal. Both will swing south.
Put fresh fish line on top of the copper wire pointing north, and the other below pointing south and magnetize. Hang them by hooked tail ends on the copper wire and touch the battery. Both compasses will swing north.
Cut six 1" long pieces of fish line and place them across the top of the copper wire in a bundle. Hold them tight and touch the battery. Hold until the copper wire gets hot. Take them off and put plate glass on the box over the copper wire. Place those six compasses on the glass above the wire and parallel to it in a single line but so, that the ends of compasses don't touch each other. Touch the battery. All the compasses will turn across the copper wire.
Now pull three of those compasses to the south side of the copper wire, and three to the north side, so that the ends are about ½" away from the copper wire. Touch the negative battery terminal with the free lead. All compasses will jump on top of the copper wire.
Roll all six compasses together and let loose. They won't stay together.
Magnetize new piece of fish line in the U permanent magnet. Place this new piece on top and parallel with the copper wire, its north pole end in the east direction and its south pole end in the west direction. Touch the negative battery terminal and the compass will swing left.
Now place its south pole east-vise and its north pole west-vise. The compass will swing right this time.
Take the glass off the box.
Take one piece of hard steel fishing line, dip it in iron filings and see that it is not magnetized. Hold the line vertically with its lower end touching the middle of the copper wire. Touch the battery terminal with the lead and hold until the copper wire gets hot. Take the line off. Dip the line into iron filings and you will see that it is not magnetized. Why? A steel line has to be placed on the wire in such a way, that the NS magnets coming out of the wire run into the metal starting from its middle and running to the ends. Not from the end toward the middle and across, as they did this last time.
You have read that in order to create a south pole in a coil end pointing toward you, you will have to run positive electricity through the coil in clockwise direction. I can tell you that the positive electricity has nothing to do with making a south pole in the coil. The direction of travel of NS magnets through the wire creates the north and south poles in the coil. This compass making from and with a single wire illustrates how all magnets are made.
N magnets run out of the positive terminal of a car battery. The S magnets run out of the negative terminal. The two kinds of NS magnets run one against the other, and run in the same right hand screw fashion. Due to this whirling motion and due to the opposite direction, they get thrown from the wire in opposite directions. That is why one end of the fish line becomes the north pole and the other end becomes the south pole after you have placed and energized the magnetic metal across the copper wire.
Get two pieces of soft iron 16Ga wire 6" long and two pieces of 16Ga copper wire 6" long. Bend them all into a hook on one end so that they will hold well in lead clips. Use the copper wires first.
Clip two wires into the leads and connect the leads to your battery. Hold the wire ends square and touch their ends and pull them apart. You will notice that something is holding you back. What is it? It's the NS magnets. When you put the ends together, the NS magnets are passing from one wire to the other and in doing so they pull the wire ends together.
Now clip the soft iron wire on the leads and touch the loose ends and pull them apart. This time the passing NS magnets hold the wire ends together with a greater force. Touch the ends many times and you will see, which wire end gets red first and which will make a bigger bubble on its end. Watch the little sparks coming out from the bubbles. Stretch the bubbles out while they are in the liquid form and you will see that something is whirling around within the bubble. Those little sparks coming out of the bubble are not the NS magnets. NS magnets throw the sparks out of the bubbles in the whirling fashion. When all the NS magnets in one wire cannot pass over to the other wire, they expand the bubble and run out of it, carrying the metal sparks with them. When the bubble is cool, break it up. You will see the space the NS magnets were in.
Get two pieces of lumber 1"x6"x1’long and nail them into a T. Put the T on the floor upside down. Cut out a notch in the end of the vertical piece, four inches deep and as high as to hold a piece of wood or brass that would hold needle points in ends and have a hole in middle to hold the three-foot welding rod magnet.
A crude gismo serving as a swing pivot for the three foot compass needle.
Balance the 3Ft compass well, so that it would stop on its right magnetic position.
Place the car battery south of your gismo, positive terminal east and negative terminal west. Connect the east end of the 16Ga copper wire with the positive terminal and the west end of the copper wire with the negative terminal lead. Hold the copper wire just above the compass, a quarter of an inch north of the compass end, level and square. Touch the battery and the magnet will swing east.
Place the battery north of your gismo with its positive terminal east and its negative terminal west. Connect the west end of the copper wire with negative terminal and its east end with the negative lead. Place the copper wire a quarter of an inch south of the compass end. Hold the copper wire just above the needle, square and level and touch the positive terminal. The compass will swing west. If the battery is right and the NS magnets strong enough, and the compass rod is well balanced, it will repeat the same thing every time.
I think that batteries are not made right. Sometimes there are more N magnets than there are S magnets. They should be equal. Generators, which do not run the S magnets in their frame or base (not grounded), but run directly away, have the same problem.
You will see from the following experiment that battery is not balanced right. Place the copper wire across the box one end east, the other end west. Connect one lead a foot west from the east end and the other lead with west end. Hang a horizontal compass in a spider web thread and place it in the same level with the copper wire. Keep the copper wire end a little away from the north pole of the compass. Connect the east lead with the positive terminal and tap the negative terminal several times with the loose west lead clip. Observe the compass activity.
Change the terminals, change the tapping, move the box and copper wire to the south pole end and repeat the same thing. You will notice that sometimes the copper wire end pushes away the north pole of the compass, and sometimes it pulls it in, and the same thing happens with its south pole. Sometimes it does nothing. So it shows the battery is irregular.
Connect the leads with the battery terminals to make a loop and keep the leads level with the battery terminals. Drag a hanging horizontal compass over the loop and the connections between the battery terminals. You will see that one end of the compass keeps inside the loop, and the other outside. The same thing happens when the compass crosses the connections between the terminals. This experiment indicates that the NS magnet currents run from one terminal to the other as well as around, as in an orbit. They do not run around just once. They run around many times until the N and S magnets get thrown out of the wire due to the centrifugal force, and due to crowding.
While the N and S magnets were in their own terminals, they possessed only pushing power. They acquire pulling power only when the opposite kind of NS magnets is in front of them. This works something like the permanent magnets. When you place an opposite pole of one magnet in front of another magnet they will hold together in the same way the 6" long copper and soft iron wire attracted each other.
These car battery experiments show the principle by which NS magnet currents running in a single wire opposite each other from a battery create permanent magnets.
How did the NS magnets get in there? As I said in the beginning. The N and S magnets are the cosmic force. They hold together this earth and everything on it. Some metals and non-metals have more of the NS magnets than other materials. The NS magnets have the power to build up and take down. For example, NS magnets take the molten part of a welding rod down and put it on the weld. They do the same in electroplating. They put one metal on the other, and if you burn a metal in an electric furnace too much, the metal will disappear into the air.
The N and S magnets were placed into a car battery by a generator. When the N and S magnets went into the battery, they built up a charge that held the NS magnets themselves. Later on, the acid takes the matter apart and separates the NS magnets sending them to their own terminals. From there, they come out. The acid in zinc batteries takes zinc apart and sends the N magnets to the positive terminal and holds the S magnets by itself on the negative terminal. When the circuit is closed, the NS magnets come out of the battery as long as the zinc lasts. When the zinc is gone, the NS magnets are gone as well. The same is true when you put iron into acid with some other metal for the other terminal. When the circuit is closed the NS magnets will come out of the battery, but when the iron is gone, the NS magnets are gone as well. This should be sufficient to show that the N and S magnets hold everything together.
You have seen how magnetic currents are created in a battery from metal by the action of acid. Now I am going to tell you, how magnetic currents are made by permanent and electric magnets, and then without either one. You will make equipment this time that can be used for four purposes; an electric magnet, a transformer, a generator and a holder of perpetual motion.
  • Bend iron or soft steel bar one and one half inch in diameter into a U shape. Make each prong a foot long with 3" space between the prongs.
  • Make two brass or aluminum spools, six inches long and big enough to slip onto the bar.
  • Wind fifteen hundred turns of 16 Ga varnished copper wire on the spools
  • Slip these spools onto the prongs of the U as close to the bend as possible.
Connect a battery to the coils so, that the current runs in both coils at the same time. Do it so, that one end of the bar is the north pole and the other is the south pole. Now you have an electric magnet.
This time you will turn the same components into a transformer. It will not be an economical one, but it will show you how a transformer works.
  • Wind a coil of fifteen hundred turns of 18 Ga varnished copper wire onto a spool a bit less than three inches long. The spool should accept 1.5" square iron bar as a core.
  • Get two bars, one 3" and one 6" long. If possible, have them from laminated iron.
  • Get two 6-8V light bulbs. Connect one light bulb to the 3" coil.
Place the (air core) coil between the prongs of the U electric magnet. Connect the 6" magnet coils to the battery, but leave the negative terminal open. Tap the negative terminal. You will see that the wire inside the light bulb turns red. Now insert the 3" iron core into the 3" coil, place the coil back between the prongs of the U el. magnet and tap the battery. This time it will come alight. Why was it not as bright the first time? The battery forced just as many NS magnets into the iron prongs the first time as it did the second time, but the coil did not receive as many NS magnets. The soft iron has a lot to do with making magnetic currents.
Magnetic currents, or if you want to call them electric currents, make no light. We get light only when we place obstructions into the light bulbs. The wire in the bulbs is so small, that all NS magnets cannot pass easily through. They heat the wire up and burn and make light. If the tungsten wire in the light bulb were as large as the copper wire leads, then there would be no light. Then those NS magnets, which are in the coil, would dissipate into the air.
Both, N and S individual magnet currents, which came out of the car battery and went into the transformer, were direct currents. But, the light in the bulb was caused by alternating currents. (Keep in mind that there are always two currents and that one current alone cannot run. They have to run one against the other.) You transformed currents in kind.
Now I will tell you, how to transform currents in strength. To make higher voltage, wind one 6" spool with smaller wire and many more turns. To have less voltage, wind another spool with bigger wire and fewer turns. This transformer makes alternating currents from direct currents. (The power line transformers use alternating currents to make alternating currents.)
The iron prong ends in your U electric magnet remain the same magnetic poles, while the magnetic poles alternate in power line transformers. Only currents are in motion in power line transformers, while currents as well as you are in motion in this DC transformer.
Now about a generator. All currents are alternating in the first place. We have to use a commutator in order to get direct currents. Any transformers and generators make el. currents in the same way, by filling the iron core in a coil with NS magnets and letting the iron core push them out and into the coil.
Connect the battery with your U electric magnet. It will become a field magnet now. Pass your 3" long coil between its prongs fast. Do it repeatedly and you will get a steady light in the light bulb.
Now, you and the field magnet are the generator. If you had a turning wheel with many coils on it, you would be making all kinds of light. Do not make the machine. I already have the application for a patent in the Patent Office. I made ten different machines to make magnetic currents, but I found this combination of field magnet and coils on a wheel the most efficient.
Pass your 3" coil through the field magnet slowly. You will have no light. This shows that the time is important in making of the magnetic currents.
Place the 1 ½" square iron rod 6" long on top of the two iron prongs of your field magnet and fit it well, so that it lies even. Connect the battery to the field magnet for a little while and disconnect the battery. Connect the light bulb to the field magnet coils the same way the battery was. Now pull the square bar quickly away from the prongs. You will see light in the bulb.
Reconnect the battery to the field magnet coils again and place the bar across the magnet prongs again and hold awhile before disconnecting the battery. The field magnet with the square bar on it holds perpetual magnetic motion. If undisturbed, it will last indefinitely. I held it in this position for six months, and when I pulled the square bar off, I got just as much light out of it as I got the first time. This experiment shows that if you start the N and S magnets in an orbit, they will never stop.
The vertical hanging compasses show that there is motion inside the bar. Hold the perpetual motion holder with its north pole east-vise and its south pole west-vise. Now raise it up slowly toward the south pole (down) vertical compass and the compass will swing to the south. When you repeat the same under the north pole (down) vertical hanging compass, it will swing to the north.
This experiment shows beyond any doubt, that the N and S magnets circulate in the perpetual motion holder in the same direction as those, which came out of the car battery and run in the copper wire. While the N and S magnets run ahead in whirling motion, they both have right-hand twist.
Spin your alnico magnet more than 2000 RPM. Connect the light bulb with your perpetual motion holder coils. Hold the holder above the spinning Alnico magnet and lower it so, that the spinning alnico magnet ends in the space between the prongs and the square iron bar. See how much light you get. Remove the holder.
Remove the 6" iron bar from the field magnet and repeat. You will get more light. This shows that when the field magnet is closed into perpetual motion holder, some of the NS magnets, which were in the iron prongs, orbit around through the prongs and the bar, and will not come out. They will exit when the internal orbit is broken and they will enter the coils. This results in more light.
Place a paper box containing plenty of iron filings above a horizontally spinning alnico magnet. You will see that the spinning magnet builds up ridges and ditches in the filings. Orient the spinning alnico magnet vertically and place the box with filings above it. You will see the filings running against the motion of the magnet and building ridges and ditches. The finer the filings, the finer the ridges and ditches. Spin the alnico magnet one way and then the other and you will have some rough idea how magnets build up the matter.
You made magnetic currents in three different ways, but in principle, they were all made in exactly the same way. Magnetic currents are made first by concentrating, then by dividing, and then by shifting the existing N and S magnets from one place to another.
Now, I will illustrate how my best machine does that. I will use only one coil and one U shape permanent magnet, without using the windings on the U shape magnet, which increase the magnet strength. If you had a U shaped permanent magnet of the same shape and dimensions as your field magnet, it would be ideal for the following demonstration. If you don’t have it, use the field magnet.
Get your 3" coil with the 3" long iron core in it and connect it to the light bulb. Fasten the U shape permanent magnet rather well, U upside down, north pole north and south pole south. Pass the coil rather fast through the prongs from west to east and observe the light in the light bulb. Now, push the coil in and stop in the middle, then push it out again. This time, you will see two flashes of light, while the coil passed between the magnet prongs only once. You had two lights the first time also, but you did not notice them, because they came in quick succession.
When you pushed the coil into the U magnet, the N and S magnets ran through in one orientationon. When you pushed the coil out of the U magnet, the N and S magnets ran through in the other orientation. That is the reason, why you get two flashes of light, although the 3" coil passes between the prongs only once. Here is the way in which the N and S magnets run, while you push the coil from west to east between the field magnet prongs.
Remove the iron core from the 3" coil and wind one layer of copper wire on the core so, that the north side of the winding wire end points east and the south side of the winding wire end points west. When you push this coil into the U magnet, the N magnet current comes out of the wire end pointing east, while the S magnet current comes out of the wire end pointing west. But, when you pull the coil from the U permanent magnet, the polarity reverses. The N magnet current comes out of the wire end pointing west and S magnet current comes out of the wire end pointing east.
If the winding is the same and the north pole of the U magnet is oriented south, while the south pole of it is oriented north, the individual magnet current polarity would be reversed. Reversing magnetic currents reverse the magnetic poles of the coil. When the 3" coil approaches the prongs of the U magnet, the magnetic currents made in the coil during that time make magnetic poles in the coil's core ends. They are the same as those in the U magnet poles. But, when the coil recedes, those currents reverse the coil's magnet poles opposite to the U magnet.
I will tell you more about magnets while you have the 3" coil handy.
Run S magnet current in the wire end that points west, and N magnet current in the wire end that points east. Now the north end of the coil is its south pole and the south end of the coil is its north pole. Now run N magnet current in the west end of the wire, and S magnet current in the east end of the wire. This time the north end of the coil will be its north pole and the south end of the coil will be its south pole.
You have made a few 1" long compasses from the steel fish line magnetized on the single copper wire. If you had the same copper wire in a coil, and if you placed a big steel bar into that coil, you would have a bigger and stronger magnet. To make it even stronger, you would have to wind more layers on top of the first coil. When you made the small compasses, magnetizing them with the single copper wire hooked to the battery, you have wasted too many N and S magnets. You forced only very small portion of the magnets, which came out of the copper wire, into the steel fish line.
You still do not force even 1/2 of the available NS magnets from a coil into the steel or iron core. To do that, insert the coil with its core into a steel or iron pipe. The pipe will become a magnet, same as the core, but the poles will be opposite. This means, that you have two different poles at the same coil end. If the core end is the north pole, the pipe end will be the south pole on the same end of the coil. In this way, the pipe will receive almost as many magnets out of the coil as the core. You can do better yet. Cap one end with a round piece of steel joining the core and the pipe. Provide holes for the coil leads to protrude through this cap. Fasten the cap and you have the most efficient electric magnet for lifting purposes. It does not waste any NS magnets coming from your battery or a dynamo.
Remove the copper coil from its housing and hook it to the battery. Place one end of a hard steel bar to the coil's north pole, hold it there awhile, then take it away. The bar has been permanently magnetized. The bar end, which was placed at the coil’s north pole, became the south pole of the bar. This permanent magnet can magnetize other hard steel bars into permanent magnets, but every magnet made by it will be weaker than itself. The coil made this permanent bar magnet in the same way the permanent magnets are making other permanent magnets.
Insert this permanent magnet into the coil in reverse. Match iron bar north pole with the south pole of the coil and apply current to the coil for a while. When you take the bar out, you will have a stronger permanent magnet, but with reversed poles. This shows that the stronger magnet can change the weaker magnet.
When you pushed the 3" coil through the permanent U magnet prongs, you got two flashes of light in the bulb with a single passage. I showed you from which ends of the coil wire the currents came out.
Take the light bulb off the 3" coil, insert a core in that coil and connect the coil to a loop, which would reach six feet east from the U shape magnet. Keep the loop ends a foot apart. Stretch the south side of the wire loop straight and fasten it somehow. Get your little vertical compasses with the hooks on their ends. Hang the south pole down magnet on the loop and push the coil through the U magnet. The vertical compass will swing first south, then north.
Now, hang the north pole (down) compass on the wire of the loop and push the coil through the U magnet. This time, the compass will swing first north, then south. Hang both compasses and you will see that both swing to their own side first, then to the other side simultaneously. If the compasses do not swing while you are pushing the 3" coil through the U magnet, then the magnet is weak. It should be strong enough to lift twenty pounds.
When you place the 3" coil between the prongs of your electric U magnet, then you won't have to push the coil. You can tap the battery instead and see the hanging magnets swinging. All currents are made in the same way, filling the coil and iron core with N and S magnets, then giving NS magnets enough time to exit and start all over again.
If you want to use your el. U magnet, make sure that its north pole is on north side, and its south pole on its south side and place the coil between the prongs in the same way as it is now.
Now, I will tell you, what happened to the permanent U magnet, while you pushed the 3" coil through it from west to east. Set up the three-foot compass so, that it can turn. Place the 3" coil complete with iron core between the U magnet prongs. Approach the 3’ compass south pole with the U magnet's south pole. As soon as the three-foot compass begins to move, stop and mark the distance.
Remove the 3" coil from the permanent U magnet. Approach the 3’ compass again with the U magnet as before. Stop again as soon as the compass begins to move away and mark the distance. You will see how much strength was lost from the U shape magnet, while you pushed the 3" coil half way in and halfway out of the U magnet.
While you were inserting the 3" coil and core between the prongs, the U magnet was losing its strength up to the time, when the 3" coil began to break away from the prongs. When the 3" coil broke away, the U magnet regained its strength. This breaking away recharged the U magnet. It became normal again and ready for the next start. The new supply of NS magnets came from the air or the earth's magnetic field during the recharging.
Now we can see how the U magnet makes magnetic currents. You already know that before the 3" coil got in between the U magnet prongs, those little NS magnets exited the U shape magnet prongs in all directions. As soon as the coil core came into the effective proximity of the U shape magnet prongs, these little NS magnets began to circulate through the core and the coil. They kept circulating until the core was removed from between the U magnet prongs.
You can see now, that those NS magnets exited the U magnet prongs and entered and ran through the soft iron core. But, the core has never held the magnets. It pushed them out again. In order to prove it, stand five or six thin iron strips, bent just enough so that they will not flip over, on their edge. Approach the ends of those strips with any magnet and you will see that they flip over. Hold the strips a bit freely by their ends. When you approach those held ends, the strips will spread out.
I think this is enough to show that soft iron never held NS magnets. It pushed them out. As soon as the NS magnets get pushed out of the soft iron core, they will enter and run in the coil. They enter the coil as a bulk. The 3" coil separates the NS magnets from the bulk into small paths.
A coil is not necessary to make magnetic currents. Currents can be made with a single wire. The coil is necessary to increase the volume and strength of the currents. A coil is similar to any cell battery. One cell alone does not amount to much. A battery has to have many cells in order to be strong and coil has to have many turns.
When the NS magnets enter the coil as a bulk, the coil divides them into small paths. They fill the coil wire. N magnets point toward the south pole of a magnet and S magnets point toward its north pole. Now the wire of the coil becomes one continuous magnet. One end of the wire is its south pole and the other is its north pole.
Now we have those N and S magnets trapped in the wire, but they run across the wire. When we want the NS magnets to run through the wire lengthwise, we have to increase their quantity in the wire of the coil. To do that, the coil has to approach and enter the U magnet prongs. When the coil reaches the middle position the current of the NS magnets stops, since the coil reached the limit.
There are plenty of NS magnets in the core and the coil, but they quit running through the wire length-vise and they run only across the coil of wire. In order to make the NS magnets run through the wire lengthwise again, the coil must move away from between the prongs. As soon as the 3" coil begins to move away from the prongs, the NS magnets begin to run again through the wire length-wise, until they are gone from the iron core. But they run in opposite direction.
I told you that the coil is a magnet during the time the currents are made. Now, I will show you more. Obtain a small paper box fitting between the U magnet prongs and fill it partly with iron filings. Wrap 6" long soft iron wire into some paper and place the wire into the filings in the box. Insert the box between the U magnet prongs.
Slowly raise the wire and you will see strands of filings clinging to the insulated iron wire. Raise the wire some more and the filing strands will sag and fall. Remove the box from the U magnet and place the wire in the filings again and raise it up. You will see that the wire is no magnet anymore. It was magnet only during the time it was between the prongs of the U magnet.
This shows that coil becomes a magnet during the time it moves through the U magnet prongs, but its function is double. Some N and S magnets run through the coil wire crosswise and some run through the wire lengthwise.
Maybe you think that it is not fair to use iron wire to demonstrate how magnetic currents are made. But I can make more of the magnetic currents with soft iron wire coil than I can with copper wire coil. So, it is perfectly all right to use iron wire to demonstrate how to make magnetic currents. You can do the same thing with a copper wire and iron filings, but with less effect.
You have seen how NS magnets run through a wire crosswise. Now I will tell you how they run through lengthwise. Before they start to run lengthwise, they are lined up in a square across the wire. One side of the wire is the north pole magnet side and the other side is the south pole magnet side.
When the 3" coil begins to approach the U magnet prongs, the magnetic currents begin to run through it. The NS magnets in the wire begin to slant and N magnets run in the direction of the east coil wire end, where the N magnet current came out. S magnets run to the west wire end, where S magnet current came out. Once the coil reaches the middle of the U magnet, the currents stop. Now the N and S magnets point across the wire again.
When the 3" coil begins to move away from the U magnet, the currents begin to run and the NS magnets in the wire begin to slant again. But, this time, the other way. When the coil moves out of the U magnet's effective range, the currents stop running. This is the way in which alternating currents are made.
When the N and S magnets run through a wire lengthwise, they run in a slant and whirl around in a spiral. You can see that slant by watching the sparks, while you are intermittently touching soft iron wire ends connected to a battery.
To see, how the currents run out of the coil wire, watch the six 1" compasses on the glass. Put them together ends even and let them loose. You will see that they roll away from each other. The stronger they are, the farther apart they roll. That’s how N and S individual magnets run out of a coil wire lengthwise.
When the 3" coil is inserted between the prongs, the N and S magnets do not run across through the 3" coil wire out as fast as they run in. The coil wire is insulated and there is an air space between coil loops. As it is known, dry air is the best obstruction for the NS magnets. The coil is well insulated and the damp air does not get to it. It is well known that it is many times easier for the NS magnets to run through metal than through air. When the NS magnets run through wire, they hesitate to exit it and run across in the same way they came in. Then more of the new NS magnets enter the wire crosswise but fewer exit crosswise. Due to that, they get pushed through the wire and exit lengthwise. Now you know how the alternating magnetic currents are made.
You may have wondered why alternating currents run so far away from their generators. One reason is that every time the currents start and stop, there is no pressure in the wire. The NS magnets from air enter the wire at this time. When the run starts again, there already are NS magnets in the wire, which do not have to come from the generator. That makes the power line itself a small generator. This assists the big generator to furnish the NS magnets for the currents. I have a generator, which generates currents from the air on a small scale, without using any magnets around it.
You have wondered how a U permanent magnet keeps its normal strength indefinitely. You know the soft iron does not hold the NS magnets, but you already have one that holds it. It is the perpetual motion holder. It illustrates the principle of permanent magnets. All that has to be done is to start the NS magnets running in orbit. Then they will never stop. Hard steel magnets have a broken orbit, but they are permanent under proper conditions. I think the structure of the metal is the answer.
I have two U magnets. They look alike, but one is a bit harder than the other. The harder one can lift three pounds more than the softer one. I have tempered other steel magnets and I have noticed that the harder the steel gets, the smaller it becomes. That shows that the metal is more packed and has fewer holes in it and the NS magnets cannot pass through it at full speed. They dam up in the prong ends. They enter faster than they leave. I think that the ability of the soft steel welding rod to hold magnets is in its fine structure.
I call the results of N and S magnetic functions magnetic current and not electric current or electricity. The reason is that electricity is connected too much with those non-existing electrons. If it had been called magneticity, then I would accept it. Magneticity would indicate that it has a magnetic origin and that would be all right.
As I said in the beginning, the N and S individual magnets are the cosmic force. They hold together this earth and everything on it and they hold together the moon as well. The moon's north end holds S magnets in the same manner, the earth's north end holds them. The moon's south end holds N magnets in the same manner the earth's south end holds them.
I can tell to all those who have wondered why the moon does not come down, that all they have to do is to give the moon one half of a turn so that the north end would move to the south side, and south end to the north side. Then the moon would come down. At present, the earth and the moon have the like magnet poles on the same side and their magnetic pole orientation keeps them apart. If the poles were reversed, then they would pull them together.
Here is a good tip to the rocket people. Make the rocket head a strong north pole magnet, and the tail end a strong south pole magnet. Then shoot it toward the moon's north pole. It will give you a better success.
N and S magnets hold the earth and moon together and they also turn the earth around on its axis. Those NS magnets, which come down from the sun, are hitting their own kind, circulating around the earth. They hit more on the east side than on the west side. That is what makes the earth turn around.
The N and S little magnets make the lightning. The S magnets go up and the N magnets come down in the same flash in the northern hemisphere. The S magnets go down and the N magnets come up in the same flash in the southern hemisphere
The N and S magnets passing in concentrated streams cause northern lights, but the streams are not as concentrated as in a lightning. The N and S magnets also create the radio waves.
Sunlight can pass through glass, paper and leaves, but it cannot pass through wood, rock and iron. The NS magnets can pass through everything. This shows that NS magnets are smaller than a particle of light.
Homestead, Florida, U. S. A.
Original © Edward Leedskalnin October 1945

Ed's untold story about how he avoided electricity bills.

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