domingo, 13 de julio de 2014


Locally parallel electric force exchange paths create magnetic path roping themselves together. The fact that magnetic field is way stronger than electric field is given by the unification of the individual out of step electric paths into in step magnetic “rope” path. When a quark of valence bond (incorporated electron) radiates what is called photon a few things happen.
First of all, the quark absorbs energy and its frequency to wavelength changes. If the original frequency were 4, and the original wavelength were 4, the new frequency becomes 8 and the new wavelength becomes 2. When this happens in an undistorted quark. Its el. current value increases, but no radiation occurs. When this happens to a distorted quark, its wave in thermal mode oscillating between the points of retention, the quark releases this energy at both points of retention and its value drops back to 4:4. The disturbance, which is in the form of quark wave is transferred into the realm of gravitational field path in the form of local traveling unification of gravitational field electric paths into a traveling magnetic path blob.
Photon entity travels as a spatially limited section of magnetic unification of and along fairly parallel electric paths of existing communication structure of the primary field. At the same time, the energy transfer of photon is incomplete and caries with itself an impulse of temporary electric induction establishing a temporary secondary gravitational field paths. There are again two out of step bundles of these paths induced in two opposite directions. These paths have harmonics incompatible with the photon unification. They cannot be unified by the wave impulse into magnetic photon. If the photon unification has 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 harmonics of its electric paths the relative harmonics of the remaining electric paths are other sequences, lets say 3, 6, 12 24, 48. Those had to meat with the first harmonic sequence at zero null point at the limitation point of the radiating valence quark, but would not form coherent magnetic photon unification. Therefore their disturbances continue separately, at speed of light. This disturbance could be called neutrino and it should not be detectable within the standard magnetic quantum measurement due to its harmonic incompatibility as well as scale. Its penetrating capability within a material body should be incomparable to that of a photon, its reactivity with matter would be next to zero and indirect.
The valence quark wave frequency to wavelength changes are the reason why specific materials, be it ruby or ammonia vapor, give off particular laser light frequency. The theory of laser as light, which has been radiated in step by spatially well organized molecules of the source is funny. It would require amonia vapor molecules to be arranged in step. Since ammonia lasers work as well as ruby lasers and since ammonia is gas, which is supposed to be chaotic to a great degree, we can conclude that the perfection of ruby molecular lattice has little to do with the in step behavior of laser light. The only option left is, that the laser (same frequency, which means an ultimate harmonic relationship by default) light self organizes into the in step arrangement every time it is helped to become parallel, especially when the light is radiated as homogenous light. The wave path flexibility of amplitude and wavelength allows the parallel harmonic light to join in step without changing its frequency. The speed of the flow within such path again remains unchanged, because the decreased amplitude makes up for locally increased wavelength. The electric path wave is locally as flexible as ocean wave.
The second explanation that scattered directionality of laser light as produced by crystal or gas is filtered out of the crystal or the gas tube by the parallel mirrors again fails very miserably mathematical logic. If we were to accept that light exits gas or crystal in every possible direction and that only the light, which is radiated square to and between the parallel mirrors stays within the system, we would have to conclude that an infinitely small volume of photons would be caught between the mirrors. Then we would get an infinitely low efficiency out of the gismo called laser. The only two possibilities are, that most of the produced light is radiated parallel to the crystal or the gas tube, or that most of the light is somehow forced to become parallel between the mirrors. When we consider the geometries of fields, which tent to tie into vortices with their central linear directionality and its coiled tubular geometry, we can begin to understand that each electric induction has at least these two geometries. This means that the laser gas tube as well as the ruby crystal has one field orientation which is parallel to the laser light beam, or better said along which the laser light beam is radiated. This brings up the arrangment of valence bonding within the ammonia gas or the ruby crystal. IT becomes obvious that the valence quarks parallel to the tube or crystal are the ones, which are responsible for most of the laser light radiation.
Part of the solution to this problem also lies in the term “wave guide”. See WAVE GUIDES.
Second thing, which happens is, that the out of step and out of wavelength electric path of the primary gravitational field become organized by the thermal quark wave fluctuation so, that a bundle of these path is ordered in step and becomes a temporarily magnetic wave, a local traveling in step structure along separate electrical paths. An analogy would be a bundle of fibers whose portion becomes entangled into a rope, while the rest of it, its ends, are frayed loose. The quark oscillation, itself of a magnetic string, brings locally all harmonic, close to “in step” and close to parallel electric paths into the in step relationship. This means that all these paths, which have originally intersected at assorted points, were forced to intersect at quark point of retention created null axis points. The quark point of retention itself being null axis point within the structure of nucleons and valence bonds. It is not a wave of photon or light, which propagates along the primary electric paths. It is not an increased flow of whatever flows within electric paths of communication. Photon is this local unification of the multiple electric paths waveforms into single local magnetic path wave form, which propagates along electric paths and which gives locally strong (magnetic) effect of a photon. It transfers valence quark impetus across the universe.
It may appear to be a traveling wave, but not in the sense of a wave in a medium, an ocean wave. This unification has no polarity, it has no mass, but it has a momentum when absorbed or reflected, same as wave traveling along a wire rope exerts momentum when reflected or absorbed, having no mass itself. It is a formation of a temporary magnetic conglomerate, which does not travel as a real wave, but as a spatio-temporal harmonization of locally parallel electric paths of communication.
As this unification of electric paths propagates through out the universe, it propagates and locally unifies electric field paths originating in all corners of the universe, progressively dropping off the original paths along which it was created and picking up paths encountered on its journey. Every photon of light affects to an infinitesimal degree quarks, which had nothing to do with the radiating valence bond and whose electric paths of communication happened to coincide with the path of a photon next to parallel to that path. It is a wake of a photon and it costs photon its energy.
As this local unification process travels on its journey, it will pick up paths, which are locally almost parallel to its own path of journey and touching that path. It will drop off paths, which are becoming less and less parallel to its own journey as their individual curvature prevents them to become everlasting photon part. As the photon impetus creates the wake in the electric paths structures, it looses its strength and its wave form red shifts. The photon gets weaker and weaker along its travel, till it gets absorbed somewhere or till it falls apart as such and the paths, which were spatio-temporarily unified, return into the state of less harmonic system of individual electric paths.
Here stands Mr. Hubble and his red shift of starlight related to the star distance (more or less). Strength of gravitational field of the general source of light, like a quasar, will red shift light along relatively short distance of travel due to more changes of electric force paths of communication which photon goes through, due to the greater density and curvature of those paths around a strong gravitational body. If the distance was known, the gravitational field strength of a quasar or a star could be fairly accurately estimated from its red shift.
Here go all Albert Einstein’s assumptions about the absolute constant speed and time dilation of light. Yet, it is obvious, that when light passes through the tangential geometry of the primary field of a spherical body, it will “pick and drop” body’s tangential paths and get refracted toward the body. It is also obvious that photons are radiated as chains, rather than individualities, because the thermal oscillations of quarks, which give the photon impetus to the primary field electric paths, of which they are a relatively stable geometric figure, are oscillators. The only somewhat constant is the spatial wave reference through out the universe, with its local deformities caused by heavenly bodies.
It is a readily observable fact that corners and edges curve “space” to much tighter radiuses than lets say sun. That is due to the near field magnetic curvature above material surfaces.
Here goes the expansion of the universe and Mr. Hawking’s Big Bang.
Here steps in Mr. Ralph Sansbury with his Pockel’s cell experiments with the speed of light, experiments in which photons appear where they should have disappeared and disappear where they should have appeared. His shortfall is in his lack of understanding of the structure and dependencies of the universal works, which drives him to his unfortunate speculation that photons get delayed inside his instrumentation, while themselves instant in the “space-time”
Photon depends on the primary gravitational field, but it does not depend on the original paths of electric force, which it started to locally unify while radiated. Yet, two photons simultaneously radiated by a single electron in two opposite directions will keep track of each other’s state. They share one and the same bundle of electric paths while radiated and when one changes the direction on reflection, or is absorbed, or otherwise affected in any way, it loses connection with at least a part of the original bundle and the bundle gets also affected, which again affects the twin photon. Distance of this communication is limited by the frequency with which either of the photons has to switch electric paths of communication and they eventually “un-twin”. The two photons indeed communicate, for all the practical purposes INSTANTLY. The speed of electric force flow communication is next to infinite relative to our concept of duration. Light is as slow as molasses compared to that of gravitation and electric force in static electric field.
This is somewhat different with communication of twin organic structures. They preserve their own peculiar electric path(s) and they do not radiate photons in order to communicate. Organic structures have the capability to change the frequencies of the individual electric paths in their common bundle. They are able to manipulate the strength and the composition of these bundles by the frequency change of its components. Doing this, they can alter magnetic frequency of the common bundle and create beat photons along such bundles, which appear along the whole bundle string at once.
Living tissues can create instant “virtual” photons at any distance. An electric bundle connecting two related organic entities, like an astronaut and his cell sample in a laboratory can be treated as quark of a valence bond in that manner, that its wave structure changes at the same instant along the whole bundle length which is in stable el. current wave mode. There is nothing virtual about such photons. The difference between them and the thermal photon is in the fact, that while thermal photons travel in space, the “virtual” photons are stuck immobile within the static network of gravitational field electric paths of energy flow waves. When such photons are also created within the existing valence bond thermal structure of a cell, they become agitated by the thermal quark structure and add magnetic waves to the energy of the quark. If their quantum energy is large enough, or if there are enough of them within the quark structure, they change the quark frequency to wavelength ratio and become themselves entangled, increasing the quark energy.
Magnetic field of a permanent magnet is a “virtual” photon structure, so is quark path of electric current in a conductor, so is conductor magnetic field.
Any wizard, a person who is able to consciously manipulate and gage the electric paths frequencies, is able to manipulate the magnetic paths frequencies and through this manipulation also manipulate valence bond energies in target subjects. When he manipulates the valence bond energies he can manipulate chemistry of the target and he can manipulate magnetic arraying of the target. He can sense manipulation done by other living tissues, be it conscious or unconscious. He can interpret these manipulations to some degree. He can gage and interact with electric path records imprinted in dead tissues, inert entities like stones and bricks. This is remote viewing and eventually today’s witchcraft as a sub-discipline of future physics, when that science and most of all the people who make living in science of physics will eventually manage to disentangle itself from its prejudice, if ever.
I have to note here that my null axis point is a simplification of the issue. The true intersection dependency is at points of wave function highest density. It calls for three-dimensional geometry of multiple helixes moving along helical axis. These paths intersect as claimed and create a network as claimed, but I find it quite difficult to draw the structure past a few components of a single path. Therefore, I have chosen planar depiction and purely static geometric “null axis point” as simplification of the explanation. The paths of reciprocating (inductive) electric flows look like complex basket weave and/or caduceus coils, which are themselves twisted, which mutually intersect and which are wound from helically twisted wires. I hope you may understand the difficulty doing such graphics and verbal descriptions of relations. Needless to say, it is not really necessary in order to understand the dependencies and I will continue with the planar wave simplification as long as it seems sufficient.

Surface can be defined a any distinguished material boundary. Surface of lets say copper sheet creates the boundary between the materials of copper and air. Transition zone between stainless steel and plated or impact welded aluminum or copper on a kitchen pot is again a surface boundary. Welded (fused) boundary is not exactly a surface because the materials at this boundary are mixed together creating alloy. The material boundary has to have spatially distinguished material quality.
Any material boundary can serve as a wave guide, but the properties of the wave guide depend on the planar spatial organization of the boundary. It can be smooth and it can be ridged.

Glass and air can serve as an example of a smooth material boundary. When experiment with a polarizer, observing the light first passing plate glass, then polarizer, we can observe that light does not show polarity, unless we observe that light at very acute angles (approximately) less than 3 degrees. The polarity orientation does not depend on the orientation of the plate glass around its plane axis. It is always the same, parallel to the surface of glass and orthogonal to the axis of observation. This shows that a smooth wave guide will not reorient direction of aether material flow in any direction except for the plane of the guide plane. Aether flows either rebound (reflects), or get refracted by a surface plane.
Aether flows entering a smooth material boundary under an inclined angle are redirected by the boundary and oscillate along wave pattern within a boundary, This guides aether flows along the plane of material boundary. This process is conditioned by the wavelength (harmonic) compatibility between the material boundary field and the aether flow wavelengths. The compatible (harmonic) wavelengths will become guided, while incompatible wavelength are either reflected or pass the boundary without being affected.
The quality of the boundary is given by its geometry of planar joint between two materials and by the field wavelength compatibility of the two joined materials. When we look back at the magnetic arrays, we can realize that while one field material field (magnet ceramic) protrudes into the air, the air field protrudes into the magnetic material. In the same sense, while the copper surface electric field protrudes into its adjoining stainless surface in a kitchen pot example, the stainless field protrudes into the copper material. Where wavelength compatible portions of these two electric fields locally intermingle across the surface plane and a portion of this orthogonal interaction ties into magnetic strings of valence bonds. The remainder, which is either disharmonic, or spatially non-homogenous, creates the boundary electric field.
Smooth field is not well suitable for design of single dimensional wave guides (beam wave guides) but it is well suitable for design of planar wave guides. A planar wave guide, if executed in multiple layers of suitable materials, can be used for manipulation of the so called “curvature of space” or its planar deformation. In plain English, when a dish, or hub cup shaped plane is executed in a well chosen and well manufactured laminated material composite, it redirects part of the ambient gravitational field and it can be said that it locally deforms the gravitational field putting a dent into it, or that it re-curves the ambient “curvature of space” according to the guide shape and orientation within ambient gravitational field.
Once we get to understand that the attractive force between any two bodies, communicated by magnetic, or electric, or gravitational wave phenomena depend on the shapes of those fields and on the degree of deformation of the fields in mutual interaction, we can begin to understand that properly understood and designed smooth laminate wave guides can serve as antigravity devices. The smoothness of the guide field is given by mechanical material smoothness, but also by the intermolecular consistency within both materials. Any imperfections in the material, like uneven crystallization or inclusions of other materials have effect on the regularity of the surface field. These imperfections cause local interference points and imperfections in the guiding, as well as guided field.
The suggested manufacturing method for smooth laminated wave guides is electroplating or evaporative plating. Attention should be paid to the orientation of the process in the geomagnetic field as well as the local conditions on earth. Earth gravitational field and geomagnetic fields are generally inconsistent. The process should also be shielded from any radio transmissions, from any sources of light and from invasive cosmic ray radiation. There is a good possibility that overwhelming artificial fields could be set up around the manufacturing process in order to make the product boundaries homogenous, or even “fix” not quite homogenous composite laminates.
Such laminates can be expected to have unusual optical properties, because they distort the ambient gravitational field. They may refract light around them to a great distance in unexpected ways, causing fuzziness of images whose light passes by the laminates, causing fuzziness of the laminate itself. Once we understand that photon is a local magnetic in step unification of electric paths of communication, the eather flows, and that the laminates guide and redirect parts of these flows, we can understand why photons passing or reflecting from the laminates will change properties or why they may not be able to pass the laminate near fields and reflect off these materials and reflect in non- standard directions.

Every surface with geometry of regular parallel ridges is a parallel wave-guide. The surface electric field alone leads the primary as well as secondary arrayed gravitational (mixed electric dipole) field paths of communication across the ridges. It changes the properties of the guided paths of communication not only along a plane in any of its direction but, along the plane in one direction. The interaction between the guiding and guided fields changes the properties of both fields. The ridge spacing tends to alter their wavelength spatial composition and step so, that they become an in step conglomerate.
The most pronounced guided field property changed by the ridged guiding field is the direction of the aether flow, the local direction of mixed dipole electric paths of communication.
When a ridged surface is rolled into a seamless tube so, that the ridges create a circular pattern inside the tube concentric to the tube axis, its guiding properties increase dramatically as opposed to smooth, never mind rough surface. The main reason for this increase is elimination of edges of the guide across the ridges (as in plane guide) and the refraction (or guidance) of flows, which enter the guiding field at oblige angles to the ridges. The ridged guide refracts compatible in step electric paths of ambient gravitational field from many directions of the ridged surface plane as well.
Any imperfections in the material structure of the guide as well as imperfections in polishing, ridging (Alex Shiffer - Joe's Cell) diminish the quality of the wave-guide. The underlying cause of this diminishing lies in the wavelength changes of the ridge regularity, which changes wavelengths of the paths of communication of the guided field.
In an analogy, a river flowing across a set of ridges will follow the ridges and create regular wave pattern copying the ridges. The banks of the river though, no matter how smooth, will create turbulence at the banks due to slow down of the water flow at the fringes and the bank turbulence creates secondary waves, which will enter the main wave flow and distort its wave regularity. Once we eliminate the banks (flat sheet edges orthogonal to the ridges) by using a tubular sheet, a pipe, the ridge waves are allowed to stand in the flow without interference. Any flaw in the underlying substrate (bottom) of a river distorts the shape of the waves at the surface and interferes with the wave. Any stone, stick, whatever out of pattern of the bottom ridges is comparable to surface flaws in a wave-guide.
There seems to be much less of a problem with occasional irregularity of the depth and spacing of the ridges than with flaws like scratches or elongated material inconsistency across the ridges. Such flaws are caused by scratches, but also by material inconsistencies such as welds. It is comparable to setting an island into the river flow. Welds and any secondary thermal processes leave inconsistent grain size in their place as well as alloying material precipitates. Both distort the regularity of the substrate. (Commercially manufactured seamless food grade stainless steel polished tubing seems to have rather fair degree of wave-guide surface structure.) Both of its surfaces, internal as well as external, are suitable for guiding of ambient gravitational field.

The most space intensive effect of wave guide can be achieved in a disc stack assembly. The discs have to have spiraling groves (ridges) like vinyl records. A stack of blank CDs with no print on one side shall prove itself to be an excellent guide if the discs are separated by at least ¼” gaps, concentrating the ambient field at the center of the stack.
Should we use discs with aligned spiral grove on both sides, the guided field will create a vortex. The degree of spiral twist of such a CD will have an effect on the creation and efficiency of the vortex. Multiple groove thread would be a more efficient guide than a single thread due to its steeper thread. The smooth, non-grooved margins should be removed and squared off, but it is not critical. The center of such a wave-guide will collect (if a collecting material), whatever can be gotten from the general gravitational field in which the stack is immersed. Liquid water collects energy of water vapor, aluminum, iron, whatever, will collect energy from the exchange with sun, earth core, Alpha Centauri, whatever.
The electric exchange of whatever atoms tends to achieve thermal equilibrium (entropy), only that it does not do it in quanta of light, but in quanta of electric energy exchange. Some call it neutrinos, but that is not quite the case. Neutrino is a quantitative expression of a leftover EM and particulate radiation of hydrogen fusion, assumed to be a single particle. The real particulate leftover is “aether” (subluminal) flow of mixed electric dipole energy of primary as well as secondary gravitational fields.
Tensile strength of materials within the central cavity of a disc collector stack will increase in circular direction. Lets say a ring, placed within the cavity with its center axis common with the CD stack center axis, will have increased tensile strength in circular direction if its radius is only slightly smaller than stack cavity radius. (It will by more difficult to tear open than when outside the stack.) The individual CDs should be separated by at least 1/8” gaps. The direction of the groves must be “parallel” in all surfaces. This means that groves on one side of a CD have to appear clock vise when faced and grooves on the other side have to appear counter clock vise on the other side of the CD. All discs have to have one common direction of groves.
Such a vortex arrangement will create field cavity within its center, which will draw secondary field geometry parallel to stack cavity central axis within the cavity, and closing as a donut outside the stack. The stack itself will spin, if mounted rotationally, because it is redirecting gravitational field into a vortex. It is common action and reaction effect. Both field geometries, the donut as well as vortex, influence each other in that sense, that they create one field conglomerate with helical path structures.
Since gravitational field can be considered to be self sustained, the rotation of the stack is going to appear self sustained. Once the rotational energy of the stack is used for power generation, once it is transformed into some kind of other energy, electric, mechanical, thermal, whatever, it will draw power from general gravitational field, causing partial local lack of power in the general gravitational field and some weight loss of the apparatus, due to this energy transformation.
What is more important though, is the influence of the ridging of the disc surface on the properties of the guided field itself. It progressively harmonizes some of the odd wavelengths within the guided field into magnetic structure, creating homogenous field in the shape of a donut around the stack. What Meisner field is to general magnetism, this field is to general gravitation. It repulses the incompatible general gravitational field component paths, which gave it a rise, because their harmonic has been altered and completely harmonized, in time as well as space “dimensions”. Since we cannot suppose that the disc stack will repulse the earth, we have to conclude that the earth will repulse the stack. The stack will become buoyant in the locally strongest gravitational field, which is earth field. Since the stack field becomes quite independent on earth field, as it works with all gravitational frequencies, earth and sun and Alpha Centauri, its field will create its own rules of inertia and its own inertial frame. Therefore, the stack will loose the property of inertia to the general gravitational field as well as weight and will accelerate away from earth at what may appear an instant acceleration. This would allow us to fly, but not to steer. Any mechanically induced rotation of the stack will intensify the vortex of its field and increase the size of its field.

A tubular guiding field will lead the guided field so, that the guided field will become parallel to the tube axis within the tube cavity and also just outside the tube surface if that surface is also made into a guide. A weak guide can be made from smooth surfaced pipe while a strong guide can be made from radially polished pipe. A set of concentric pipes will be more space intensive setup than a “multi-barrel” set up. The tubular guiding field, which is retained by the tube in shape of parallel loops, ties into its structure many harmonic paths of communication within gravitational field. The guided field either closes into a torus of a circuit around the outside of the tube, or can be lead away through any conductive path, like a copper wire, to some “source” of primary gravitational field, like liquid water. Therefore, when a tubular wave guide, or system of guides is grounded into a moist environment, the grounded side of the guide leads the “circuit” energy into ground, and the ungrounded side (front) project the field energy exchange into space in a form of a beam and we have a cloud buster. (The qualitative physics of water vapor to liquid water energy exchange will be discussed elsewhere)
When the earth side of a cloud buster is not to be grounded, the gismo can still be made workable with help of a coherent or incoherent wave guide. Disc stack of correct earth orientation would be an efficient guide of ground water exchange while a box of metal shavings would be a less efficient wave guide. A container with water, especially with some stirring mechanism, would create artificial ground for a cloud buster. This arrangement turns the cloud buster gismo into Joe Cell. You could also call a cacti plant a Joe’s Cell. Its spikes are the guides communicating water vapor energy of airborne moisture with its cellular water content. Cacti plant spikes have about as much to do with mechanical protection against predators as oak leaves or larch needles do.
In order to be somewhat more accurate, I have used the standard terms of source and direction of electric circuit. I have to stress that the source of energy is actually the atmospheric moisture vapor, while ground water is the receiver of energy. Yet, this does not mean that energy flows strictly from clouds to ground water. It means that the higher energetic state cloud paths directed at earth are met by the lower energetic state paths directed at the sky. The electric exchange of the primary mixed electric polarity gravitational field of water, Reich’s orgone, is again a steady reciprocating process. Although the atmospheric moisture has its relatively weak general electric polarity, it has its underlying and much more energetic mixed polarity. An electric discharge between earth and cloud is a cascading reciprocating process generated by condensation transforming the latent heat of condensation into electric current phenomenon, rather than heat. CLOUDS.

When a tubular wave-guide, or its concentric series is immersed in water in a container, the mixed electric dipole exchange occurs between the atmospheric water vapor and the liquid water in the container. When such container is capped off with a cone lacking any sharp angular transfers between the container wall and the cone and between the cone and a tube protruding as an extension of the cone towards the blind plug, the walls of the container as well as the cone and the tube serve again as a wave guide and “beam” the liquid water to vapor water exchange paths from and against the engine.
When we “ground” the contained water against any conductive object, lets say an engine block, we close the gravitational field circuit, or better said its water portion primary field into a circuit, which partially closes across the engine block and partially protrudes through the engine block. Cooling liquid around the cylinders, itself containing at least some percentage of water, creates Orgone cross-fields within each of the cylinders. The tensile strength of any water within the cylinders increases in the direction of these cross-fields and supports creation of cohesive valence bonds among the water molecules in the direction of the cross fields. The cross field also replaces vapor electric frequencies within airborne moisture with condensed water frequencies. This clusters water vapor into water droplets (condenses), decreasing the spatial volume of the water content. The cylinder content implodes at this stage.
When we generate an electric spark within the chamber, or even nearby, its more of less scalar and polarized induction into the surrounding environment, including the engine block, interferes with the established orgone mixed dipole electric cross-field geometry and momentarily neutralizes its geometry. The water droplet cluster valence bonds created at the previous stage loose their orgone field tensile support and fall apart. Water clusters fall apart fully evaporating at this stage and the process creates pressure in the combustion chamber.
The relatively great power is given by the simple fact that it would be compared to the inefficient steam engines. A steam engine works with water droplets of steam, rather than steam and vapor. There is no change of state involved in the operation of steam engine, although vapor is initially created in the boiler. Most of the energy loss in the steam engine comes from the fact that the water vapor is allowed to pre-condense into steam and the implosion effect of this condensation goes waste. The shortfall is in the fact that steam engine works under pressure all the time in all its parts.
The evaporation in the combustion chamber of Joe’s Cell operated engine is supported by previous partial and quite noticeable vacuum. As long as vapor is drawn into cylinders, rather than being pushed into them, it will stay in vapor state and its condensation can be used for implosion and re-evaporation for explosion. When vapor is forced under pressure, it immediately condenses into steam and its cavitation effect is lost as usable energy.
Alternate condensation and evaporation of combustion chamber water content, when properly timed, drives the combustion engine. The water within the chamber has to be in near equilibrium state between liquid to vapor state, which can only be established by high content of vapor frequencies of its internal electric fields. This energy has nothing to do with thermal energy. Yet, the process also depends on its temperature and pressure. When engine intakes air, the airborne water mist tends to evaporate just due to the created partial vacuum in the intake. When the engine compresses, it tends to condense the vapor just due to pressure increase. The Joe Cell system only helps this condensation-evaporation cycle to fully develop by balancing the electric energy of air moisture within the engine chambers.
When the weather is poor, meaning a lot of partly condensed water of clouds in the skies, or high humidity, the natural exchange of energy between atmospheric water and ground and cell water diminishes. The cell field becomes weaker and the engine has insufficient orgone cross-fields within the combustion chambers to perform well, even to perform at all.
When one travels through areas of high electromagnetic activity, usually urban areas, the engine is affected by directional alternate interference from the transmission sources. The chamber cross field has difficulties to recover from the spark interference when the engine fires, and may perform poorly, if at all.
When a vehicle crosses areas of poor ground to sky water exchange, due to local polarity and poor ground water conditions, or when the air in the area contains very little water vapor, there is again lack of general liquid water exchange between ground and sky, there is lack of water in the combustion chambers and the engine will again perform poorly, or not at all.
The pre-charging of water for the use in the cells has a few purposes:
First is the elimination of ions, or better said any incompatible mineral content. It turns the water into homogenous electrolyte. We can view any and each mineral molecule or better said molecular cluster as an oscillator. As long as that oscillator is harmonic to the water, it will serve the purpose of organizing of water wave pattern into homogenous in step pattern of wavy material flows. Any ion or mineral molecule, which does not possess harmonic frequency, or wavelength with water, will serve as oscillator, which creates interference. The water used in Joe’s Cells needs minerals as field stabilizers and it neads minerals to chain the water into conductive paths for electric current, but the water must not contain non-harmonically resonant mineral clusters. This is the very reason why spring water does the job while distilled water does not, but why the spring water has to be pre-electrolyzed. The electrolysis, if done in the cell, also removes discordant polished ridge patterns from the cell walls. Every cell should go through at least the first electrolysis process because of this. After that, a pre-charge vessel is sufficient for water electrolysis.
The very fact that plant originated minerals are accommodable by animal and human bodies shows that mineral clusters can be sorted out size and shape vise so, as to be separated into groups resonant or non resonant with water. This has immense impact on the knowledge of our pharmaceutical industry, which does not know any better and produces water non-resonant products in substitute of plant derived resonant minerals and molecules. Yet plain and simple low voltage-low amperage electrolyses can sort them out.
The mineral as well as water clusters also preserve an immense quantity of assorted frequency paths of communications within their field structure. It seems that the electrolysis erases the individual variety of water and mineral molecular memory homogenizing the individual fields. This brings the water treated in this manner closer to the state of Bosse-Einstein condensate. The water treated by low energy electrolyses becomes one harmonic unit on electric as well as magnetic (quantum) level.
When a human or an animal finds him/itself in the vicinity of the cell, he/it changes the component harmonics of the orgone field and may shift and or distort the cell field. He/it may also alter the local water field harmonics. Cross-fields within combustion chambers are affected harmonically as well as geometrically to some degree, because the person does not communicate with the water in the chambers and the cooling system only through the cell, but also directly. This can be productive, neutral or counterproductive to the cell performance. The field of the person or an animal is also interfered with at the same time and shifted and harmonically changed by the cell field. Most of our body is water and our conscious as well as subconscious is able to manipulate water exchange (orgone) portion of gravitational field. That depends on how harmonious is our own structure. We can produce interference as well as harmony, as well as stay neutral. Some of us can feel the interference from or harmony with other persons and creatures and plant life, some of us can consciously create them, some of us can do both, but most of us are too psychicly dumb. It is the dumb, who will stay neutral. It is the one with subconscious or even conscious negative aptitude, the one with insecure and therefore domineering conscious, who will interfere. It is the one with secure and positive aptitude, who will harmonize with the cell water and boost its performance.
In the case of the last one, the harmonic interaction can be quite detriment to his/her health. We are condensed water based collectors of water vapor frequencies. As long as our own electric energy stays clearly within the limits of condensed water energies (spatial frequencies) we are fine. When we begin to collect too much electric exchange energy state from water vapor, we get into trouble. We also collect the same kind of energy from sun, from its overheated hydrogen. That brings heat stroke. The symptoms may be somewhat similar in both cases, heat stroke and cloud busting, but there are definite differences. The fastest and most efficient cure for such symptoms and the illness itself is immersion in fresh water, like a river, the colder the better. Cold shower is a good substitute. Stale warm water will do the least.
The very notion of interactive mixed polarity electric fields of plants, animals (including humans) and water as such, with all other matter on earth and in the universe, states quite clearly that secure and harmonized group human aptitude is beneficial to everything around us and its opposite, the insecure and incompatible and chaotic aptitude is mutually devastating. The very use of electromagnetic gismos like radio transmitters, cell phones, AC power lines, any gismos which generally oscillate the ambient gravitational field are detrimental to our health, mental as much as physical. They interfere with our bodies on the fundamental (to us) electric level. We are going to pay dearly for the use of alternating polarity technologies unless we develop mixed polarity but non-oscillating technology rather soon.

Turbulence organizes individual molecular fields of liquid or gas into magnetic field on a grand scale. Each and every molecule of fluid within a vortex spins in relation to the adjoining molecules. The friction between the molecules tends to be rolling, rather than sliding, because the individual intermolecular fields tend to keep the molecules in their mutual polarity orientations. As each molecule can be considered to be a set of self-sustaining turbulences of atomic structures, a general vortex of molecules can be considered to be again a set of self-sustaining turbulences of molecules. When we have single such set, a single fluid vortex within a volume of fluid molecules, a vortex caused by an individual mechanical process, the vortex set general field becomes the dominant field structure within that volume within a distance proportionate to the magnitude of the vortex. The molecules within a general vortex have to be in counter spin relation to each other, otherwise their mutual friction relationship is not rolling, but sliding. The magnitudes of individual molecular spins are uniform and because of that create uniform field conglomerate of the vortex field. The uniformity of the field creates uniform induction pattern within the fluid vortex and the more uniform the vortex is, the less it induces toward outside. It becomes a structurally simple particle like object.
When we have many vortexes and vortex field sets within a volume of fluid, caused by multiple mechanical processes within a limited spatial volume, the individual vortex set fields overlap in the same spin orientation and create still more field sub sets, which attempt to fill the space of slip friction with counter spin rolling friction. The many vortices within such “chaotic” system are not uniform in polarity and magnitude and cannot create a unified general field. The spin relationship is highly transient, the magnitude of individual vortices is highly transient and the slip or roll friction relationship is highly transient within the chaoticaly turbulent fluid volume. This causes transient polarity relationships within the volume, which causes transient induction relationship with the gravitational field, which causes transient induction between the fluid and the ambient gravitational field. The chaotic turbulence in liquid is then capable of communicating with the ambient field to a much greater degree than non-chaotic fluid and it extracts the water vapor ambient field short wave energy in exchange for its own liquid long wave energy.
Therefore, chaotically turbulent liquid water has high rate of energy exchange, organized turbulent water volume has a low rate of energy exchange and non-turbulent water volume has extremely low rate of energy exchange with the airborne water vapor.

It would be a mistake to consider the two fields as separate entities. As shown in FIELDS 4, we are not really dealing with separate fields, but with a few orientations and a tremendous amount of harmonic sequences, which all together create one grand field. The field has many geometries permeating each other and frequencies and harmonic sequences, which all have qualitatively and quantitatively different properties. Those properties depend on what is affected by what, rather than how much. For example, a chunk of steel greatest tensile strength direction is induced and directed by path harmonics communication with another steel chunk, as long as the second chunk is under different conditions than the first chunk. The thermal fluctuations within each chunk alone assure that they will interact at least through gravitational field. They mutually affect each other in the direction of their shortest path distance. When that path is directed by an adequate cloud buster like wave-guide, the direction of increased tensile strength is parallel to the cloud buster axis to a substantial degree.
The reason for increase in tensile strength in this direction is that the parallel orientation of the particular harmonic paths of mixed dipole gravitational energy exchange adds to the central portion (axis) of valence bonds in line with the wave-guide, increasing quantity and homogenity of paths in that bond, although the communication does not get necessarily absorbed by the bonds. It only reinforces the standing (virtual) photon of valence bonds. This increases the magnetic strength of the bonds in this orientation.
The secondary geometry electric field induced around the bond adds extra harmonic components to the periphery of valence bond magnetic core. It tends to tie into a helical magnetic field around the core, which further increases the strength of the bond. The periphery then induces relative to the remainder of the material and draws energy from those valence bonds, which are not in line with the axis of the external field. This weakens those bonds and their tensile strength decreases in proportion to the internal electric energy paths of communication withdrawn from them. When the strength in orthogonal directions weakens, the material is prone to “stress” cracking parallel to the local wave-guide axis.
Since an airplane like 747 is a tubular cavity, with metallic skin and components, it is a quite complex wave-guide of primary field. Due to its complexity, each component reorients the primary field so, that the tensile strengths within the airplane may be locally affected to a great degree. These local tensile strengths disparities are likely to be blamed on some airplane crashes, especially in areas of gravitational anomalies, like the occasional Bermuda Triangle phenomenon. This does not mean that all, or even most cracking of structural members in airplanes or any other machines is caused by the wave guide effect.

There are field vortexes and particular vortexes and combined vortexes. All we can know are vortex structures, induced by different means and having outwardly different properties. There is nothing else to know, once we penetrate the veil of our own constructs and enter the realm of complete and complex reality in its underlying simplicity.
As I have shown in my TTF, any and every induction is a two way street, a system of reciprocating energy exchange. As I have shown in my PROTON, any relatively stable particle can have double loop vortex geometry (electron), quadruple loop geometry (proton) and 8 loop geometry (neutron). When these geometries combine into a nucleus and molecular and cluster structures, they unify into somewhat globular geometry of the whole. Each such globular geometry has two outer magnetic field geometries and two outer electric field geometries.
The first electric geometry, known from the shape described by magnetic lines of force of a permanent bar magnet, is a donut. The magnetic function within the electric field can be considered to consist from virtual photons standing in space relative to the body of the magnet and it is a continuous standing photon structure WAVE 5 within the electric field. The electric and magnetic fields are concurrent spatially as well as directionally as well as temporally. Electromagnetic field does not consist of orthogonal electric and magnetic fields. The orientation of polarity of electric (field) tension in a wire is the same as the orientation of the path of electric current, which can travel along magnetic structure of valence bonds and nuclear quarks, which are themselves virtual photon structures. The secondary magnetic field around the wire again consists from electric field with magnetic structure within that field. The fact that a transformer is capable of transforming the over all value of Watts, rather than only the value of Ampers, confirms this.
This second electric field geometry is sort of circular, orthogonal to the first one. The somewhat “tall” donut drawn by lines of force between generator terminals is inscribed and circumscribed and inter-scribed by a donut of circular lines concentric on polar axis. This is again electro magnetic field, as portion of the underlying electric field is bound into continuous photon strings or paths. It has no detectable magnetic polarities though. As shown in WAVE 3, the frequency of wave system in one direction may induce disproportionately different frequency in its orthogonal direction. This is when we look at the frequency as time dependent. But here we deal with frequencies, which are length dependent, frequencies of a standing wave within a flow. This means that orthogonal spatial frequency of one field geometry may be quite different, although harmonic, to its complimentary geometry. Therefore a magnetic needle will align with the dominant frequency. It will react by one of its field geometries with one of a conductor under DC geometries. It is the higher of the two in both instances.

Any tube with smooth or ridged surface geometry will lead ambient or artificial electric field paths of communication in the direction of the tube axis. Once it is understand that the traveling photons of light follow these paths, we can understand the optical properties and function of a segmented insect eye, such as fly or bee eye. The fact, that the eye segments are hexagonal rather than tubular is irrelevant as long as the corners of the segments are rounded. The cells, which create the eye segments are hexagonal tubes in an overall semi-globular arrangement. This means that these individual hexagonal guides are tapered toward the center of the eye. As much as a lens will concentrate the image into a point, the wave guide system like insect eye will concentrate image into a point. The photons passed through such wave guide system will again end up in a small spot image. The advantage of such wave guide optical system is in its capability to lead all visible frequencies of light along locally one direction, which does away with the color interference resulting from different angle of refraction when lenses are used. These wave guides also do away with secondary interference from light, which enters lenses from all possible directions, because these orientations can be absorbed by the walls of the guide and transformed into heat.
In short, it is possible to build wave guide microscopes and telescopes, which will not be prone to refraction interferences, from sets of smooth surface tapered hexagonal tubes in a concentric arrangement. They will provide much clearer image than any lens based devices.
The wave guide optical technology lends itself rather well to the photon detector technology and fiber optics technology, because each tube ending will have very specific point of focus. Telescopic devices based on this principle can be construed into partial field of vision conglomerates as well as globular field of vision conglomerate. A photography based on this principle can be not only wide angle, or panoramatic, but globular. This future technology lends itself to extreme possibilities of virtual reality imaging in science and entertainment.
Nano-technology globular wave guide cluster lets say within human vein connected by fiber optic cable to a globular screen will allow a globular projection view of the vein at the location of the guide. Microscopic devices based on this technology will have a rather limited application. The greatest advantage will be found in combination of optical lenses with non tapered tubular wave guides, where the wave guides will only prevent color interference to a great degree. Yet, a round slot and/or a round electrostatic field at lens surfaces will do much better job at eliminating color interferences by its ability to prevent different refraction angles of different photon wavelengths. (This one is actually Keely’s optical microscope projection technology, which is over 100 years old and so far shunned as crackpot delusion)
The static field wave guide is actually yet another field of future science and technology which opens doors to construction of variable energy wave guides.

To start with, I will redefine UFO for any confused soul. It stands for Unidentified Flying Object. If any observer is incapable to identify a white crow for what it is, a white crow becomes an Unidentified Flying Object. That does not make it an alien or native artificial flying gismo, which does not use airfoil as its means of lift etc. When I comment on UFOs, I mean strictly those UFOs, which fall under criteria of non-airfoil flying machines of so far unidentified origin and possibly doubious existence. Yet, there is a bit too much evidence of assorted "truth" value for their existence to be ignored.
I do not and cannot discuss all the possible principles behind UFOs and UFO technologies as yet, except for one such combination. I had to assign at least a speculative value to the work of one Wilbert Smith, who has done some interesting UFO research partly under the Canadian government banner and partly as private research. I had to do that because his tensile strength measurements around and within weak gravitational vortexes in earth gravitation happen to be in accord with well documented Andrew K. Fletcher “Brixham Cliff Experiment”. Wilbert states that he had been passed on some information by extraterrestrials through witnesses who came into ET contact. Lets assume it is really so. Part of the statements includes a description of UFO where the UFO has three charged spheres attached below its main double dish body. This description is further and independently supported by UFO photos taken by various UFO witnesses.
The spheres are supposed to spin in magnetic bearings. When we combine this information with the new knowledge that any surface can be turned into a wave guide, we can speculate that the three UFO spheres are not charged artificially, but that they only guide the ambient gravitational field into three vortexes. As shown before, all individual vortex field systems conglomerate into general vortex field. As shown in the disc stack above, a wave guide system, which guides off center, not only creates vortex, but also causes the spin of the wave guide as long as that guide is retained so that it can spin. Manipulation of the spin rate of any of the spherical wave guides will result in a spatial distortion of their combined general vortex field, which will distort the ambient gravitational field, therefore causing spatially unequal force acting on the wave guide system. This means side way propulsion control by such system.
When we return to my proton model PROTON of a combined field, we can realize that we should be looking for a fourth spherical spinning wave guide on the UFO of this type of construction. This fourth sphere would have to be in tetrahedral arrangement relative to the obviously visible spheres. This means either below them, or above them. Lot of the existing photographs actually show a cupola at the top of the saucer and we can further speculate that this cupola contains the fourth spherical wave guide. Many reports state that the whole saucer body may spin and we can speculate that this sphere may or may not be mounted in any bearings, that it may be attached structurally to the saucer hull causing its general spin.
When we look at my proton structure, we can realize that as long as such structure is free to move in space and has anything to accelerate through its general electric field axis as cyclotron would accelerate it, lets say ions, it will self accelerate in the direction of its major electric axis. This means that each of the four spherical wave guides on this UFO has to have excess electric charge polarity orientation, which is indeed given by its vortex field. Once the spin of three bottom mounted and visible spherical wave guides is manipulated by some regulated means from within the craft, the quark field structure among the four spheres can be manipulated so, that the general field polarity orientation can be directed in any which orientation relative to the UFO as well as relative to the ambient gravitational field curvature as well as relative to the geomagnetic field. This would make it suitable for navigation along lay lines of geomagnetic field.
So, if I am not mistaken, we might have a good start here for back engineering of this type of UFO craft. The first stage would be to construct electric circuitry model of proton and find out experimentally the electric polarities dependency on the intensity of tension and el. current within the circuitry structure on the external field of the structure. Second, we should have a look what a tetrahedral arrangement of four spinning disc stacks will do to gravitational field.
When we further elaborate on UFO reports, we can slide over to Roswell incident and speculate on the lamina structure of chunks of material claimed to originate from the hull of a downed UFO. We can speculate that two such lamina guides shaped as two hub cup halves of the saucer create two curved planes capable to distort the ambient “curvature of space”. The degree of guidance strength in each dish can be given either by its electro-statically manipulable guiding capability or by oscillating interference within either dish manipulating such capability. We would have two curvatures spatially oriented against each other and we could regulate the up and down force exerted by the degree of guidance in each of them, therefore regulate the force responsible for hovering of the craft or responsible for the vertical take off of the craft.
At the same time, the space within the two dish hull halves can probably be made to lack gravitational field all together, (see Joe Hiding induction principle, which does not allow centripetal induction) and it may contain some gravitational field, but shaped so that it still acts on the occupants of the saucer as much as it acts on the shell of the saucer. This means that the shape of the field curvature causes the saucer to actually fall including its contents in whichever direction the occupants may desire, disregards the ambient curvatures of space.
The fact that the top sphere of the craft would be partially immersed in the hull indicates that the sphere redirected proton like manipulated field permeates the craft and that the field within the craft is established by the spheres. The ambient field would be lead around the guts of the ship by the hull lamina, but an artificial gravitational field would be set up within the craft by the four spheres. The general rotation of the craft will include general rotation of the three sphere sub-system and this takes out any possible sideway distortions of the sphere created general vortex around and within the craft. Therefore, the internal field accelerates the occupants at the same rate as it accelerates the hull and there is no inertial reaction of the craft guts and occupants to the acceleration in form of inertial drag. Thus, the ocupants fall with the craft. For all the practical purposes, there can be another subset of wave guides inside the craft creating artificial gravity field subset within the craft. The wave guide material property is very friendly to spatial manipulation and there are going to be many ways in which a UFO can be designed based on this priciple allone.

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