domingo, 13 de julio de 2014


The Richard Clem Engine


From KeelyNet (214) 324-3501

Originally posted on December 26, 1992 - CLEM1.ASC A few months back, we got a call from a friend who had heard of this incredible motor that was said to run itself and generate excess useable power. The details were unclear at the time and our friend gathered more details and we met for lunch to discuss what he had found out. This file with diagram is listed on KeelyNet as CLEM2.ZIP. As we understand it, inventor Richard Clem died of a heart attack soon after the deal was signed with the coal company. His workshop was raided by law enforcement officials and all his notes and drawings were removed. The story as I was told by our unnamed friend : A local man (Dallas) developed a closed system engine that was purported to generate 350 HP and run itself. The engine weighed about 200 pounds and ran on cooking oil at temperatures of 300 F. It consisted of a cone mounted on a horizontal axis. The shaft which supported the cone was hollow and the cone had spiralling channels cut into it. These spiralling pathways wound around the cone terminating at the cone base in the form of nozzles (rimjets). When fluid was pumped into the hollow shaft at pressures ranging from 300-500 PSI (pounds per square inch), it moved into the closed spiralling channels of the cone and exited from the nozzles. This action caused the cone to spin. As the velocity of the fluid increased, so did the rotational speed of the cone. As the speed continued to increase, the fluid heated up, requiring a heat exchange and filtering process. At a certain velocity, the rotating cone became independent of the drive system and began to operate of itself. The engine ran at speeds of 1800 to 2300 RPM. Immediately after the inventor had the heart attack and the papers were removed, the son of the inventor took the only working model of the machine to a farm near Dallas. There it was buried under 10 feet of concrete and has been running at that depth for several years. In later conversations, our contact says the engine had been tested by Bendix Corporation. The test involved attaching the engine to a dynamometer to measure the amount of horsepower generated by the engine in its self-running mode. It generated a consistent 350 HP for 9 consecutive days which astounded the engineers at Bendix. They concluded the only source of energy which could generate this much power in a CLOSED SYSTEM over an extended period must be of an atomic nature. Construction of the engine was from off the shelf components except for the hollow shaft and the custom cone with the enclosed spiral channels. Richard Clem worked with heavy machinery for the city of Dallas and had noticed that certain kinds of high pressure pumps continued to run for short periods after the power was removed. His curiosity into this phenomenon led to the development of the Clem Engine.

The Clem Over-Unity Motor

The following is from a newspaper clipping that has no name or date. In 1972, Richard Clem announced the invention of a way to operate automobile engines on cooking oil. He's still making that claim today, even though his first prototype motor fell apart and he had been "strung along" by at least 15 companies before he found financial backing. Clem, 48, a heavy equipment operator for the city of Dallas and part-time inventor, says if the automobile industry adopts his invention, motorists could change the eight gallons of vegetable oil only every 150,000 miles and never buy any gas. Clem said he uses vegetable oil because his motor runs at 300 degrees - a temperature where water has boiled away and conventional motor oil breaks down. Though he won't divulge many details of the engine, a 12-volt battery apparently is the only other source of power. When Clem finished his first vegetable oil engine in 1972, he mapped a 600- mile test trip to El Paso for the first engine model he had financed through his earnings. But he only made it as far as Abilene before the 'shafts and everything bent in it.' He blamed the failure on poor construction, too small a shaft and the use of chains instead of gears. Undaunted, he decided to try again, but said, 'I needed money to build this thing better.' Neither the automobile industry nor the 15 other companies he wrote - some as far away as Taiwan - were interested in financing a prototype and then manufacturing it. Then last year, he said, a large coal company offered to back him. Clem refused to disclose the name of his benefactor, but did say the coal company had signed contracts to sell the engines to power companies for use in pulling turbines. Clem said he expects to finish work on the motor by the end of this year. (1972)

Vanguard Note..
The above article was reported as being generated from Flower Mound, Texas (northwest of Dallas and slightly beyond Carrollton). I called the only Clem listed in the book as of 11/20/92 and they knew of no other Clem in that area, nor did they know of any Richard Clem or his family.
Two separate visits to the patent section of the Dallas Library have not yielded any patents by a Richard Clem involving any type of engine. We are still pursuing for more details.
As of 12/26/92, I drew up a .GIF file called CLEM1.GIF that is bundled with this file under the name CLEM2.ZIP. It gives a better understanding of how the machine was constructed, at least as it was described to us.
For those who study such matters, one immediately sees the tie-ins with Boundary Layer Drag principles as evinced in much of Tesla's work as well as Victor Schaubergers Impansion and Implosion discoveries.
We have noted something odd about spinning masses in that at specific velocities, strange things occur. The velocities at which phenomena occur are dependent on the resonant frequencies of the mass as an aggregate, exactly as Keely said.
The Clem system was said to be built with off-the-shelf components. The most complicated piece of the entire machine was the cone. And based on Boundary layer drag, it would seem that the cone was unnecessary.
The question with the Clem device is 'Does the extended surface area of the cone add to the additional velocity of the cone, yielding greater pressures through centrifugal force or would flat plates as in the TESLA turbine be sufficient to generate the same effect?'
We continue to look for more information on this device and appreciate your comments or supporting material.
Update as of May 1996
A company called Creative Sciences is selling plans ($60) for what they claim is a machine that generates 1500hp and runs by itself. They call this a CEACU and claim it was released by a 70 year old retired scientist.
The truth of the matter is it was designed and built by the late Richard Clem of Flower Mound, Texas as documented by this paper.
It is wonderful that someone has taken this information and done something with it (or so claimed) and we will have more details later if you might like to build one.
The CEACU design does not require the cone, but instead use a thick disk with nozzles on the outer edge. A hollow shaft feeds water into this disk at a high velocity.
As the water exits from the nozzles, the disk spins giving an ever higher velocity. A 3200 psi air tank is used to get the disk spinning to 1000 rpm when it is claimed to begin to run on its own. There are other ways to achieve this velocity beyond 3200 psi as you can well imagine.
The mailing address for Creative Sciences is;
Creative Science Research
PO BOX 8001
New Albany, IN 47150
They also sell plans for Fuel from water, a Fuel-Less Engine (Ed Gray), a Gravity motor and a video of a Gray-type engine and the Gravity motor. If you write them, please let them know that Richard Clem is the true inventor (as I will). Thanks!...
Jerry W. Decker Sysop / KeelyNet 

I have just pieced together a bit of the jigsaw puzzle, which has haunted me for close to a decade.
  1. What makes Lenz Law applicable to the contemporary power generation?
  2. What underlying principle causes magnification of magnetic field initiated by a coil under electric current? [As it is a known fact that a given coil with an iron (ferromagnetic if you insist) core produces much stronger magnetic field than the same coil without the iron core.]
  3. Why did Ed Leedskalnin say: "I made more electricity with steel than I ever made with copper"?
  4. What kind of electric generator did Ed Leedskalnin attempt to patent in the US according to his own claim, a patent application which has never appeared on US patent Office records?
  5. What has really happened to Ed Leedskalnin? This is the same man who lived alone in his majestic Coral Castle without paying a penny to an electric utility company having no hydro hook up. Yet he had electric power available on the premises without any known source. This man tried to patent something with which electricity can be produced, a generator. This man has disappeared one day leaving only a note on his door: "Gone to the hospital". He allegedly dies two days later in the hospital of cancer. Not a single witness to his last trip, no one claiming to have given him a ride. Did the man, who should have been laid down on his death bed, really walk for miles to get to the hospital?
It is only now when I have realized the significance of my experimenting with diamagnetism and its impact on the contemporary power production and the Lenz Law. This experimenting reveals that diamagnetism is only a temporarily induced property.
Diamagnetism is caused by induction of circular (eddy) electric currents within some materials, copper being one of them. As an external magnetic field approaches copper (let copper stand in for any diamagnetic material), eddy currents induced within copper create their own magnetic field, which always opposes the polarity of the induction field. Therefore the copper is temporarily repulsed by the approaching external magnetic field, disregards its polarity. This repulsion eventually disappears as the eddy currents within cease to flow. Once the magnetic field is being withdrawn from the copper, the diamagnetism reverses and now the copper follows, or appears to be attracted by the external magnetic field. This is the underlying principle behind the Lenz Law effect in copper coil assisted standard power generation.
Ferromagnetism is again caused by induced eddy currents within the ferromagnetic material (let iron stand for all ferromagnetic materials). The differences between diamagnetism and ferromagnetism are as follows:
  • Iron material structure organizes itself under the influence of an external magnetic field for the duration of that influence, as opposed to diamagnetism.
  • Ferromagnetism is always attractive, as opposed to diamagnetism, which is directionally alternating.
  • Iron has the capacity to grossly enhance the density of the external magnetic field, as opposed to diamagnetism, which never even matches the density of the external field. The ferromagnetic enhancement is caused by domain restructuring. While diamagnetism only induces eddies in the existing crystalline structure, ferromagnetism also changes the material structure by blocks (domains).
Ed Leedskalnin has stated "I made more electricity with steel, than I ever made with copper", because he has found out during his experimentations that induction of steel wire coil by a magnetic field always caused attractive force between the inducing field and the field of the induced coil, as opposed to a copper coil. This means that a magnetic rotor finger approaching a steel coil is attracted to that coil. As it retreats, it is again attracted to it. This comes to a wash and there is no net back torque on the rotor except for friction.
Following that, Ed Leedskalnin had built a generator with steel wire windings, or more likely rewound an existing one securing for himself his own source of free electric power. He lived happily ever after till the time when his vanity got better of him and made him to apply for a patent on his invention. Only that this is the big No-No explicitly spelled out in US Patent Office regulations. US Patent Office will not issue a patent for anything, which is claimed to provide free energy or, in their own language, a perpetual motion machine. Because Ed's was an over unity device, Ed's patent application has never made it into the US patent office records, never mind ever being granted.
And, because someone got somehow hold of Ed's patent application and found out (or knew) that the thing worked, Ed Leedskalnin had suddenly died "of cancer".

The tale of the history of the photograph below begins in the spring of 1945, near the very end of WW2. It was taken in the area of what the post war communist era called “Julius Fuciks’ Park of Recreation and Culture”, whatever its name may be now, in Prague, the capital city of today’s Czech Republic.
Well, if you wish to read on? This story is phony, a plain and simple seeding of political diversion, confusion, missinformation, or so nicely expressed A Red Herring I have given a consideration to, before I have found out. But at the bottom, you will find a link to something rather more likely.
This was a time when German armies were fleeing today’s Poland and eventually Czech-Moravian protectorate with the victorious Soviet Union armies on their heels. The Red army drove Wehrmacht hard and mercilessly, yet not fast enough to prevent the special SS units from “salvaging” whatever Germans prized. They looted and transported their booty of valuable treasures, such as gold, old paintings and what have you to Germany, burning whatever incriminating evidence there was in their path.
Yet, part of the treasures, which Germans moved from the occupied territories, was not loot. Some of what they were salvaging belonged to them. They also collected and transported from these territories the fruits of a decade of their very advanced technological research and the fruits of research, which even by today’s standards would be found as extremely unorthodox.
According to my source "Joe", this photo has been taken by a roofing contractor who was at the time making repairs on the roof of the building, whose support beams and a wall can be seen in the picture. Probably no one will ever guess how he managed to sneak the camera past the SS guards and how he managed to take this picture and live to tell the tale, but the witness to his cunning courage is staring you into face.
The contractor’s story has stated that the object must have been in transit, because it was stored in the place, where the picture was taken, for only a little over 24 hours. I know that the photo had to be taken under a great risk to the life of the roofer and I am quite certain that this fellow did not take such risk to have that picture lying in dusty drawers for eternity.
The roofer has passed his photo into the hands of the provisional Czech government shortly after May 9, 1945 and the photo has eventually found its way into the archives of the Czechoslovak (communist) counterespionage. There it disappeared for the next decade or so, silently bidding its time within its voluminous vaults. But, the counterespionage people are a curious lot and not all of them necessarily feel an unreserved allegiance to their masters, be it their employer, or the regime of the day. One such person eventually came across this photo and "rescued" it from the “public” ownership, “privatizing” it. Whether he/she has copied or stolen it, the story does not tell. Perhaps, he/she has “liberated” it as a mere curiosity, rather than an act of espionage, perhaps he/she had other agenda on his/her mind. The fact is, that the photo ended for the time being in a private collection of mostly anomalous objects, documents and pictures of all kinds.
There, it had collected dust again for a few decades without anyone else knowing about its existence, until the day when he/she, then long time retired, befriended another curious soul, my anonymous internet fan “Joe”. A copy was made and it passed into another private collection and the picture ended up lying dormant again for a few more decades till the time, when Joe has let me know about its existence and eventually allowed himself to be talked into passing it onto me along with its scanty history.
Update February 20, 2003
Someone has sent me another version of the same photo around midnight last night, which is apparently the full original camera take. It is in a much better resolution and the view of the building shows where the light comes from and why the two columns on the left have no shadows. Here it is.
The source of the second version of this photo is a book written by Nick Cook "The Hunt For Zero Point"
© SDK February 2003
And the tale turns real funny:
Rob Arndt
"That photo is a postwar disc by Rene Couzinet (1952 RC-360) and has nothing to do with the Germans: I specialize in German disc aircraft, so you might want to look here at my premiere site: "
The second? third? fourth? correct? opinon. Looks good to me, but is it? 

A comment on the design and philosophy of Clem engine.
The original cone rotor of the engine should be redesigned into a bell shape.
Should be solid and retained in bearings on both ends of the housing.
The bell shape should be smoothly transferred into 6 round pipes integral with the bell rotor. The pipes should spiral in a right hand twist toward the base edges of the bell rotor (the bell is upside down). The spiraling pipes integral to the rotor should be progressively tapered from the inlet toward the nozzles along a parabolic curve function of its diameter decrease toward nozzles. This parabolic curve of pipe cross section decrease should accommodate the acceleration of the medium within. The individual inlet (larger) diameter of the pipes should be approximately the same as the diameter of the solid shaft.
The initial angle of the pipe spiral (at intake) seems to be reasonable somewhere around 30Deg relative to axis of rotation. This angle should progressively increase till the end of the pipes (the nozzles) are tangentially oriented relative to the rotor. The direction of the twist is actually fairly independent on which hemisphere you are living in. The twist is related to el. force and el. current, but that relation is out of the scope of this comment.
The ends of the nozzles may have to have a vortex breaker within, in order to force a fairly laminar jet of liquid coming out.
It may be a good idea to have a turbine driven by the outflow from the nozzles, geared by a planetary gearbox back to the rotor shaft.
The rotor should be oriented vertically in order to:
  • Suck liquid from the bottom of the housing in case the medium within the system contains or develops any gas.
  • Conform to the natural (vertical) orientation of flows of turbulence.
Foaming of the liquid may be solved by either a correct choice of liquid, or by full volume of liquid within the housing. The drawback of no gas present in the system is a poorer efficiency of reactive force produced at the nozzles. This is caused by part of the reactive force from the nozzles being wasted on circular propagation of the volume of liquid around the bell. Further drawbacks and advantages of gas present in the system are described later.
A dual shaft hydraulically clutched gearing would allow acceleration of the vehicle as well as its deceleration (braking). A regulated inlet restriction of the intake pipes is probably the simplest way to limit the flow through the pipes, but cavitation has to be taken into consideration. Plugging the intake could be used as a good emergency safety stop of the engine, though.
Any filtering of the liquid is most likely unnecessary due to the lack of any active openings in the sy stem small enough to justify it. If filtering is required, it should be done through external auxiliary system. The main suction of the rotor must not be used for the purpose.
A bell shape should allow the medium to rapidly accelerate at the begin ning of the pipes due to the centrifugal force acting at a greater advantage with smaller angle of incline relative to the plane of rotation. The progressive flattening curve of the bell shape allows for progressively greater centrifugal pressure against the bell wall along a spiraling path of the medium. This translates into tangential pressure of the medium within the pipes on the bell rotor, therefore accelerating the rotor at some cost to its own acceleration. Yet, as long as the spiraling curve of the pipes is relatively shallow and progressive, this loss is compensated for.
As this loss accelerates the rotor, the absolute path (relative to earth) of the medium within the rotor approximates a straight path, rather than the curved path relative to the curvature of the pipes and the rotor itself. This means that the progressive acceleration of the medium within a curved pipe in a rotating system actually tends to follow a straight path relative to earth inertial frame of reference.
The height of the bell should be kept fairly short (approximately the rotor diameter) and should be decided by the tapering (parabolic) curve of the pipes.
The solid shaft should go through the bell and be anchored in bearings at the top and the bottom of the housing for two point stability.
The purpose of the taper is as follows:
Whenever a standard piping using pressure is concerned, the back pressure in the wider portion is due to crowding of water molecules being stressed into a smaller diameter. With all due respect to mister Bernouli, he did not finish his work. The pressure within flowing liquid depends not only on the speed of that liquid, but also on the sequence of back pressure build up within such a dynamic system. When a pipe transits from greater diameter into a smaller diameter, back pressure develops at the point of transition due to the molecules of the flowing medium crowding into the smaller diameter.
This alone is the true reason for the pressure being higher within the larger diameter pipe (where the flow is slower) than within the smaller diameter pipe (where the flow is faster). The only relation to the speed of the medium is that a given volume/sec flow of uncompressible liquid has to travel at speeds related to the diameter of the pipe it is traveling through. When there are more than one (larger dia. to smaller dia. and back) transitions on a single pipe line, the pressure at each consecutive series of transitions drops toward the outlet, while the speed and volume/sec of the liquid flowing through remains directly proportional to the diameters of the pipes.
So, while the relation between a given volume/sec is constant per any part of length of the pipe line, while the speeds are also constant relative to the cross section(s) of pipe in that pipe line, the pressure within the pipe line is not constant relative to either the pipe diameter or relative to the speed of the liquid within the cross section of the pipe.
The above tells us what happens within pressurized pipe system. The point is that the Clem engine can be designed as a suction system to start with, or will become an accelerating suction system at a critical speed. The argument that suction system is actually a pressure system due to the atmospheric pressure pushing a liquid into vacuum is not quite truth, as it does not count in the cohesive force among liquid molecules. Once the draw of the molecules at the discharge end of a pipe starts to exceed the supply of molecules at the intake part of the pipe, the liquid is being stretched.
When the pipe has cylindrical cross section, its whole volume is accelerated at the same time a to the same degree as one single body, unless it starts to cavitate. Therefore, it is necessary to taper down the cross section of the pipe toward the outlet, so that the volume/sec/cross section can be allowed to remain constant, while the speed of the liquid can progressively increase. This allows for progressive acceleration of the liquid through out the length of the pipe.
The progressive acceleration through out the tapered pipe allows for a much greater speed of the liquid at the outlet of the pipe than at the inlet of the pipe. This again allows for much more kinetic energy content of the liquid at the outlet of the pipe than at the inlet of the pipe. This again allows for the rotating system to become a self sustaining loop of energy exchange (through centrifugal force).
This means that the parabolic taper of the pipes is necessary in order to disallow the liquid within to break the cohesive bonding and cavitate in order to accelerate in a progressive manner. Once the cavitation sets in, the flow of the liquid within a pipe becomes chaotic, which causes excessive friction between the liquid and the pipe walls. When the pipe is tapered, as suggested for the construction of Clem engine, the flow within them is still turbulent, but its turbulence is controlled by the rotation of the bell rotor and can be considered to be a laminar flow along a helical path rather than a laminar flow along a straight path sought after in industrial applications.
It would have a double purpose.
  • It would convert lot of remaining energy from the nozzle jets into additional torque.
  • It would slow down the counter rotating vortex of liquid between the housing wall and the outside wall of the bell rotor.
As a suction motor, the system depends on sufficient supply of fluid into the suction port. Then the higher is the pressure within the whole system, the higher the RPM of the bell rotor are possible and the higher the efficiency and the smaller the engine can be for the application.
MATH (sort of)
A linear input of energy causes steady, therefore linear force. Linear force causes nonlinear acceleration, therefore nonlinear increase in velocity. Nonlinear increase in velocity causes a nonlinear increase of kinetic energy of a body (in our case fluid) therefore, when the exponentially increased energy of velocity is again used as accelerating force and that force is again used for acceleration of the same body, it accelerates further.
IMO, this is a catch 22 runaway system. This is why I am convinced that the Clem engine, as well as some Shauberger's inventions, can become self running at a critical speed. All it needs is the mechanical translation of acceleration caused velocity increase into a further accelerating force in a closed loop, so that the curve of acceleration increase eventually overcomes the curve of friction increase. When these two curves cross, the system has to become self accelerating. This is good old Newton.
Will be a bitch. The only people I can think off, who might be able to make a prototype at a reasonable cost, are the trumpet makers. At least make the pipes.
If an evaporative liquid were to be used in the design of a partial liquid volume engine, the engine would start to evaporate the liquid due to frictional heat up. Then the liquid would vaporize at certain temperature build up and the engine would keep running strictly on gaseous atmosphere. This would alleviate a problem of high RPM start up of gaseous only engine while giving the advantage of lesser friction and no cavitation while running.
It looks like I just stated that it will run on gas only as well, but will become self running at substantially higher RPM than liquid one.

  Upper part of the picture is the top view into the bell rotor. The pink color distinguishes the tapered pipes within the solid material (light blue) of the bell. The yellow represents the circulating medium (liquid, or gas)
Lower part of the picture represents side section through the motor. Green color represents bearings in which the shaft is mounted. Dark blue on the bell rotor represents bell rotor top. Light blue represents the solid bell body material in which the tapered pipes (pink) are imbedded.
Grey represents a cavity serving two purposes: 
  • Leading of the medium (liquid, or gas) fairly orthogonally into the intake of the pipes.
  • Creating of a cavity, which can be filled with a dynamic balancing agent (same a used in truck tires).
Red color in the side section represents an additional turbine serving two purposes. Its first purpose is further extraction of kinetic energy from the system. The second purpose is slowing down of the circular motion of the liquid between the bell rotor and the housing.  

Stanley Allen Meyer
Stanley A. Mayer was born 24 Aug. 1940 in USA. He has invented a combustion engine modification allowing a car to run on water. He has patented parts of the conversion system in Canada as he progressed.
  • 502167 BEAD MACHINE
He was found dead on 21 Mar. 1998 in the parking lot of a restaurant in his hometown of Grove City, Ohio. The official verdict on the cause of his death was aneurysm.
Stanley Mayer claimed to have invented a system for a combustion engine allowing it to run on water. He was not the first one and he was not the last one. After I had seen this video It struck me that Stan was no crook. No pomp, no bells and whistles, no big money behind him and his garage equipment a loud witness to a long and creative stretch of inventive activity. Therefore I approached the story as a truthful one, meaning that his system worked.
 First Google hit brought a rather demeaning and discrediting blurb:'s_water_fuel_cell
It's author and the “scientific” community claim that the invention is impossible because it violates the law of thermodynamics and that Stanley Meyer was a fraud. Yet there are people who run their vehicles based on Stanley Mayer’s invention while are reading this.
The law of thermodynamics is man made, rather than God or Nature made and it might apply if Stan’s engine was running on the cell produced hydrogen/oxygen alone. Stanley Mayer claimed to have invented a high efficiency electrolysis cell, but many other water car and bike inventors do not have such special sells, so there has to be some other principle at work. I personally do not have much faith in "less in than out" when it comes to electrolysis, even though there may be methods to achieve that. I just am not familiar with such possibilities to a sufficient detail. The major glitch in the “expert“ opinion is that experts singled out Stan's fuel cell (the electrolysis unit) as the crucial part of the modification. Yet Stanley’s dune buggy did not depend on hydrogen/oxygen supplied by water electrolysis alone.
The Wikipedia blurb contains two claims, which caught my attention.
  • Stanley used an onboard hydrogen/oxygen electrolysis cell (he called it a fuel cell).
  • He used water mist injection into his engine.
Those two facts had instantly lead me to the principle of water forsage, which works with any combustion engine. The performance of diesel, alcohol or gasoline engines, 2 stroke as well as 4 stroke, can be enhanced by introduction of water mist into the air intake or directly into the cylinders. The water mist ads a liquid filler, which evaporates when the fuel burns. The vapor adds to the pressure in the cylinder while internally slowing and cooling the combustion process. It also serves as an excellent anti detonator doing a much better job than any poisonous led compounds ever did.
I have been aware of the phenomenon of water forsage since I was 16. I observed it on a very basic then East German 1/2 HP 2 stroke Tumler outboard engine (circa 1960 – 1980) which, when mounted low on a canoe, would draw off spray from the propeller shaft into its air intake as long as the wind was right. After I have moved to Canada, I found out that it is a fairly known principle and that Edmund Scientific used to sell conversion kits till some twenty years ago (1985?). Thus, I’ve got a solid confirmation of my plain observation at that time.
Commercially built water forsage units claimed to yield between 10 - 20% improvement in mileage, but they of course still depended on gasoline or other hydrocarbon fuels. Going from there, I figured out that the only possibility to run an engine on water alone would have to lie in the fuel grade difference between fossil fuels and hydrogen. In other words if hydrogen combustion yields substantially more energy per lets say 1 kg, than combustion of gasoline, it will work.
I had to crunch the numbers a bit because Wikipedia states the gasoline energy in MJ/Kg (Mega Joules/Kilogram) while it states hydrogen energy content in kJ/mol (kilojoules/mole). A good enough calculation can be executed from the math procedure available at and as a 6th grade math, it is a piece of cake :-)
I found out that hydrogen has over 6.5 times the energetic content (BTU, Cal, Joules) per kilo than gasoline. Bingo! That's why rockets use preferably hydrogen.
Hydrogen will evaporate about 6.5 times more water mist than gasoline kilogram per kilogram. Pressure in gas to volume follows square law on expansion and inverse square law on compression. Therefore, if a given amount of water forsage in a gasoline engine yields average 15% efficiency increase upon evaporation, the 6.5 times more water mist injected into the cylinder run on hydrogen kilo per kilo will raise the pressure 6.5 times squared = 42 times. 42 x 15% = 633% efficiency increase (please do not confuse with unity). This is a very rough math, but it yields good enough proportion to understand that the difference is huge.
Next thing is, that gasoline engine uses air for oxidation of the fuel. Air contains roughly 80% nitrogen, which is already a gaseous inert filler. It has to be compressed and it expands back only with the square of temperature starting at 0 Kelvin, and it does very little in the engine for pressure increase. It pretty much only takes up the volume in the cylinder, which could be otherwise utilized by the fuel like hydrogen – oxygen - cold steam mixture. Since expansion of gas to pressure as well as to temperature (in Kelvin) follows inverse square law. Heating nitrogen from ambient 293 K to some 1700 K will increase the Nitrogen pressure only about 8 times.
Liquid water [cold steam, water mist only when completely evaporated] will expand about 1245 times upon evaporation at ambient atmospheric pressure. This is 8 [nitrogen] to 1245 [water] = roughly 156 times more gas pressure from evaporated water at 373 K than from thermal expansion of nitrogen at 1700 K. Evaporation of liquid water in an almost 100% efficient environment of the combustion chamber is appallingly more efficient process in creating pressure in a cylinder than heating up of any gas. Combustion of hydrogen and oxygen is actually somewhat detrimental to creation of pressure inside the cylinder, because you burn 2 molecules of hydrogen and 1 molecule of oxygen to produce only two molecules of water vapor. But it yields enough thermal energy to evaporate a lot of water mist, or cold steam, actually 6.5 times more than gasoline fuel all other parameters remaining the same.
So, Stanley Meyer’s engine does have a sound working principle answering the question: “HOW?” It has to work, and it has to work without a need for any special electrolytic cells. Two electrodes and DC through a somewhat salty water will do.
  • No VOCs
  • No nitrous oxides
  • No money to burn except for lubricating oil, which would last incomparably longer because the engine would run much cooler inside the cylinder than gasoline engine and no carbon contamination of the engine oil, which could be replaced by cooking oil.
  • No environment devastation during the crude oil extraction.
  • No tanker disasters
  • Stan Mayer's engine is a water forsage engine using a substantially higher grade fuel [hydrogen and possibly oxygen] than gasoline, diesel, or any other hydrocarbon fuel / water forsage engine system. It allows for use of much lower ratio of fuel i.e. hydrogen / oxygen [H/O] / filler [water mist]
  • The system may avoid intake of the rather useless gaseous oxygen / nitrogen [air] mixture, where nitrogen just about only displaces the working volume, which could be otherwise utilized by hydrogen / oxygen / water mixture, which may enter the cylinder. The water mist from injectors has a rather large water drop size and can be replaced by cold steam. There are many advantages to a cold steam system:
  1. Cold steam drop size is substantially less than any injected drop size.
  2. It takes less energy to evaporate freshly condensed water than well established liquid water.
  3. Cold steam, as opposed to water mist does not foul up regular spark plugs and therefore does not require specials like Stan Meyer system.
  4. Because of point three, the car can use its standard ignition system.
  5. Cold steam is easier to evaporate and does not leave liquid water in the cylinder, which turns the engine lubricant into an oil / water emulsion sludge, fouling up the lubrication system and the cylinder.
  6. Cold steam system is much more self automatic. Increase in H/O production increases combustion rate and production of cold steam in a closed loop and only the cooling of the exhaust vapor has to be somewhat regulated. Water mist requires extra engine system parts and alteration i.e. rust proof injectors and injector pump, injection regulation, water [fuel] tank, water [fuel] pump, special ignition system, oil dehydration system and still a relatively large water [fuel] tank.
  • This brings us to Daniel Dingle water car. An anecdotal note mentioned in some report [forgot who and where] stated that Dingle car exhaust runs back to the intake. This would indicate that Daniel Dingle recycles the exhaust water vapor. Disregards all rhetoric and speculations elsewhere, the exhaust vapor becomes cold steam after cooling. Part can be diverted to the electrolysis cell as a re-source of water for the [H/O] fuel source, while the bulk re-enters the engine through the intake to be re-evaporated by the H/O from the cell. This eliminates atmospheric nitrogen [an inefficient filler] out of the process. The engine can then work with 100% cylinder volume for the cold steam and H/O mixture, rather than with 20% cylinder volume with air mixtures.
  • Problem with H/O mixture volatility can be rectified by utilizing Brown's gas generator for the electrolysis unit. Brown's gas would allow for safe onboard storage of the H /O mixture for startups and may be for hard acceleration. Such a system would require only a small water tank, if any, to make up for leakage in the system. It would only require on demand regulation of electrolysis power plus the addition of stored H/O on demand, plus the mentioned cooling regulation.
  • There is no need for special circuitry for electrolysis as such. Pulsing and any special circuitry would help for good regulation of the engine operation, but it is not absolutely essential.
  • Stan Meyer's special electrolysis may have been a decoy to throw the potential duplicators off and it may have been an electrolyses efficiency booster. Same goes for Daniel's dingle concentration on the electrolysis cell in his demonstrations, obfuscating the real principle behind water run cars. Herman P. Anderson goes as far as to claim making deuterium in his cell allegedly being the key element in his setup. . All these are smoke and mirrors to distract and protect the secret of the invention for the wishful commercial utilization.


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