domingo, 13 de julio de 2014


Every single tiny electron and proton is a complex electrostatic field with magnetic structure. For electron magnetic loops, see TTF. For proton, see TTF2/PROTON.
These magnetic loops are themselves composed within electric fields and can be seen as harmonic hologram within the electrostatic field. Any imbalance of transformation of incoming electrostatic energy caused by general distortion of the field due to geometric distortion (as described in electron structure, TTF) will result in electrostatic charge property of the particle. In case of a proton, this imbalance charge comes as a total from its sub fields. This imbalance can be perceived as direct and steady output of lets say positive charge and a steady and direct reciprocating input of negative charge, or vice versa.
This kind of energy exchange is retained between any two or more particles of bodies or between charged bodies. If we have lets say one negatively charged body B set between two identical neutral bodies A and C, both neutral bodies will have positive charge induced in them. Once the value of B is arbitrarily set as 1, the values of A and C will be ½ each (disregarding the “leakage”). This situation will persist, till all the energy of the field dissipates through the “leakage”. Well, I could also say till the surface geometry of the bodies becomes symmetric again. The leakage itself is induction process between every one of the three bodies and lets say atmosphere. The field energy will disperse through out any other particulate, air molecules, containment walls, whatever is past containment walls, anything the static electric radiation is capable to reach before it becomes locally and generally tied and balanced. Since the process is reciprocal though, the leakage is a relative term and the geometric symmetry of open valence bonds is the absolute.
The three-body interaction as described above will distort the original B body scalar (spherical) static field (a “monopole”). The field will distort into two general vector components, one toward, or better said between B and A and one between B and C. Now we have tri-pole of static charge. When we place neutral body D next to and in line to body C, it will have positive charge induced in it, and the whole field will close around the system and through the system. Its general field will change into structured dipole.
To recapitulate the whole situation, B alone is a scalar charge monopole. A and B create a fairly neutral charge dipole vector with electric momentum. A+B+C are a tri-pole, which behaves to a degree as a monopole again, but its near field (leakage) is not scalar. It comes closer and closer to scalar with distance, but it never becomes quite spherical. A+B+C+D create a dipole again when in linear setup. When arranged in a square, the whole setup creates a neutral body made of monopoles as individual bodies and dipoles as body pairs. Spatial distortion of this square arrangement gives us dipole again.
We can now refer back to the magnetic field arrays in Fields 2 for further geometry of electric charge monopole arraying. The only difference between the geometry of the two is, that we cannot start arraying magnetic monopoles, as they do not exist. But dipole and up are geometrically identical.
The most profound difference between the static electric and magnetic field is in the fact, that static electricity sources are more elementary than magnetic field sources. As the laser light has discriminate and discrete combination of light radiation (refer to any theoretical literature on lasers and see the differences between lets say ruby laser light and any other material produced laser light), electric field sources have their discrete and discriminate radiation of el. force exchange.
Reason for field radiation comes from thermal fluctuations of the dense quark. As the standing DC wave (magnetic structure) of quark pair looses its wavelength to points of limitation harmonic relationship, the quark-antiquark pair partially separate. Both, the quark and the antiquark waves, begin to oscillate and the originally standing waves begin to travel between their points of retention. This exerts an alternating stress on the points of retention creating further discordance of the quark magnetic wave components. The electric exchange between the quark and antiquark pair becomes alternating.
Alternating el. force exchange between the quark and antiquark induces alternating field not only between the quark pair, but also to the outside. The pairs can be treated as two elongated bodies whose charge polarity as well as related magnetic polarity alternates, but since the quark magnetic waves oscillate in a chaotic manner, part of their induction cannot be mutually satisfied as equal exchange, and seeks this satisfaction outside the individual quark-antiquark system.
Each oscillating quark system tends to cause imbalance in its surrounding quark systems due to the chaotic induction of charge within that system and the whole system tends to become and remain what is called chaotic, therefore posses the property of temperature.
When we consider piezoelectric effect, we can realize that the single directional distortion of a crystal will cause bi directional output of charge from it. This charge can be then led to spark gap and utilized as spark discharge in a lighter. Return of the crystal to its original shape does not create another spark discharge. Why? The spark energy came from the energy of the hand, which compressed the lighter crystal. The energy returning the crystal to its original shape came from within the crystal and stays within the crystal. The hand energy distorted the crystal and the crystal yielded part of its energy. When the crystal returns, its valence bonds absorb that energy partly from the gravitational field and partly from its other structures.
When you compare this effect with the effect of charging an emitted electron, you can realize that there is no internal electron relationship, which could cause it to return to its original shape. On the other hand, there are relationships of incorporated electrons, the closed valence bonds.
In gross terms, we can say that an up quark flavor will not completely mix, if at all, with down quark flavor. Most of the frequencies of up quark flavor will close into a static electricity dipole with another up antiquark. This is further complicated by the fact that quark pairs are usually subject to thermal oscillations and their flavor and color and whatever the differences in frequencies are called permanently change and alternate in polarity when the particular quark pair is in the thermal mode.
We are faced with an incredible assortment of frequencies, transverse as well as longitudinal, coming from any part of any material, some coupling into valence bonds within the material. The leakage of these ties together within and outside of the material as electric and sometimes also scattered magnetic field. The outer field of gravitation is usually a mixture of alternating polarity paths of communication and direct polarity paths of communication among the array of quarks, which make up matter. These paths are all intermingled and appear to be chaotic due to the immense complexity of the field array. This array is what we call gravitational field when studied at a fair distance form material.
In a nutshell, steady polarity electric path array is what creates the first geometry of gravitational field, responsible for adhesion of water to a finger. Most of this field is retained close to the surface of a gravitating body in a character of the tangential magnetic field array geometry in Fields 2. Any portion of this field, which gains the magnetic array property, is responsible for Casimir force. But even this field has far reaching closed residual geometry responsible for magnetic field of planets, and still less of this residue will reach to other universal bodies, depending on composition and proximity. This is coherent path electromagnetic field.
The tangential portion of this field is responsible for Albert’s curvature of space.
The alternating polarity array creates near and far gravitational field and most of it communicates not among the same body quarks, but among quarks of bodies in the direction of the path. This is incoherent path field. Its major weakness is that it does not tie into magnetic harmonics. Its second weakness is that its alternating nature wastes time on alternating of the induction. This part of the field is mostly responsible for general gravitation.
The coherent path arrayed electric field conglomerates into magnetic field but, almost never entirely. When the coherent electric field array becomes dense to a degree that a lot of electric paths find mutually harmonic relationship, these paths will unite and create magnetic nodes of “virtual” photons. A fair analogy is a rope structure made of threads. The threads have to have common points of intersections. This means that the transverse standing electric path wave, or better said wavy flow path, will have to have in step 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32.... relationship, in order to intersect at every crossing along locally almost common axis at the axis crossing of the thread “#” 1, in order to have their flow activity unified. Any other wavelengths of paths of electric field will not interact within this rope of magnetic path even if locally almost parallel, but it will penetrate through and continue almost unaffected. I say almost, because path 12 will get entangled with 4 and 2 and 1, but that will not make it a permanent part of the entanglement. 12 will fully entangle in a 1/ 3/ 6/ 12/ 24.... entanglement sequence. Those paths, which are far from parallel, will become entangled under conditions, but that is out of the scope of this section.
Once the magnetic entanglement occurs, the electric paths themselves get redirected respective to their original “monopole” sources, and the whole system rearranges the best it can. This means that a path, which originally connected A and B quark, will become common to A and X quark. It will be replaced by B communication with Y quark.
Gravitational field protrudes the farther above material surface, the more complex and the larger the chunk of material is. We can only expect, that near field will be much denser than the far field, because the individual paths of electric force communication have their own tension and this tension guaranties that the nearest two quarks with a compatible path wavelength will be joined.
So, it is the odd paths, which will have to seek farther than the common paths. This again points out that arrayed magnetic fields made from electric fields are going to close near the material surface, especially when the material is homogenous, like metal or glass. Non- homogenous materials like ceramics should have poor near magnetic field and they do, as can be deduced from their poor optical polishability, so should porous materials. The shape of material chunk is also important when we consider the quantitative aspect of mutual interaction of these fields, but that has been picked up on at the end of Fields 2.
Only some materials, under some conditions are actually capable of being coerced so that part of their field becomes general “monopole” electrostatic field and/or magnetic dipole field. Most of their polarity remains in the scattered and “chaotic” form. When it comes to magnetism as such, the magnetic field energy of permanent magnets is a retainer from the magnetization. It is an extra energy and it does not affect gravitational properties of permanent magnets to a noticeable degree. (You can refer to the field creation and discharge of super conductive rings for confirmation.)

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